Tuesday, August 27, 2024

90! I'm 90% Finished with The Book.

     I have written about 75,000 words so far, and the book will have about 86,000, so you can do the math. I may not be exactly 90%, but I'm only two chapters away from closing the lid on it. That will likely happen tomorrow or Thursday. Then, I'll take the weekend to fluff and stuff. I have 30 pages of notes to do that with—fun times. 

    Once the fluff and stuff is done, I'll space it, size it up, make sure it's cute and concise, and then I'll start at the top and go through it ONE MORE TIME to ensure the grammar is as good as it can be. I know it won't be perfect. I'm more concerned with correctly using the correct words and spelling words than figuring out the right place for a comma splice. I can promise you that much.

    I can't tell you what the two characters are doing now because I'm at the end of the book - some things need to be read on their own, and I'm not going to just give it away. I could give it away for 60 days and see if that helps get it out there. I'll see if it's an option. I'm not sure Ingram Spark will even allow that, but it could be a thing if they do. I wouldn't mind. I like giving things away.

    I can tell you this; they have a dog. Mathew and Leigh have adopted a dog, and he's charming, too. I posted a photo of what he may look like. He's a pitty-mix, possibly with a hound or something. He'll be about forty pounds when he's fully grown, and he's primarily black, with about 1/3 white on his chest, face, and front legs. His name is Roscoe, and that was a tribute to a dog we have here in the neighborhood, but he's more of a terrier-type, wire-haired dog like Kiah. Kiah is in the book, but she's not Leigh's dog. She was found on the beach; you can read about it. She's OK, living her best life now.

    There we go, tomorrow I will end up closing the book and making things happen over the weekend. I'll send it up on Saturday or Sunday. I'll have a copy printed and sent to me so I can go through it, reread it, make changes, and send the revision back for the final! BOOM....as always, wait for the FINAL to come out, otherwise you're buying a book with potential mistakes; unless you like that sort of thing. Some people do!! Collector's items, for sure.

    This book is awesome. I love it. I'll tell you the title when I send it up, probably Sunday.  (Did I tell you it takes place in Sarasota, Florida?) 

Photo Credit: Lexusofsarasota.com 

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