Saturday, August 24, 2024

I am 63% Done! Yes, I am.

     Woo Hoo!!  I am 63% done, according to the percentage guru on my computer. I have about 54,000 words written, which, if my book ends up being 86,000 words or so, puts me at 63% (or really close to it).  I'm rather happy at this point. I'm about to start Chapter 22, my favorite number, but my favorite chapter in any of my books has long been number 17. Chapter 17 puts my mind at ease. I'm over halfway finished and getting into the good stuff.

    Chapter 22 will see Leigh planning an experiment so she can write about it. It will also see her going to the bank for a secured loan, giving up part of the money she has in CDs to use as collateral to start the women's resort; we'll have to see how that plays out now that she and Mathew are beginning their relationship. Oops, can't say too much! I don't want to give it all away. 

    Leigh has attended a conference on psychological pathology, traveled to Arkansas to see family, and buried her great uncle Ike, whom she's been a fan of since she was a child. She is grappling with her new life but thinks she's made the right decisions. When she reflects on her past, she knows she made the right decisions to leave DeQueen and become more active in the world others tend to only dream about. Leigh is a doer. She makes things happen.

    The most fun to come, the following chapters will see her life unfold and develop in ways she only thought were possible for church missionaries, not ordinary people. She wants to consider herself in the same grouping as those who consider themselves ordinary, but she knows that her history, past, and experiences set her apart; she's not one of the unseen - she can't be. She's trying to do less in terms of being out there for the public eye but trying to be more out there for those who can't make a stand. She's a stand-maker.

    We'll have to see what happens, but I hear a dog barking; I did.  (The inspiration for Roscoe)


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