Sunday, June 23, 2024

The New Book - - Outlined.

 OK, I have the new book outlined and I've sent it off to Charlie Garrett to see what he thinks about it.  Normally, I wouldn't really do that, I've never done that in the past, but he's a central part of this book, so yeah...I want his opinion.  I think he'll like it.  I like it.

    The new book has a title, but I'm not telling anyone (except Charlie and my kids, and my best friend) what the title is. I think it will make a statement and I want it to be a good statement when I release the book. Today is the day I start it officially. I'm going to rest now that I've done the outline. I'll pick up the writing this week, and maybe get a few chapters in before next week.

    My daughter and I are planning to move around the end of July, so hopefully the book will be finished by that time. It will give me a goal anyway. I can write five or six chapters a weekend and do the rest in the middle of the week. It should be good. I wrote out the book today in outline form and believe it or not, it did take a couple of turns I wasn't expecting it to take, but given my penchant to include both murder and romance, I see where it happened the way it did.

    Like the storyline of "Bay Sorrel Ranch", there is a murder, it does take place, but it's not central to the entire book. In fact, in "BSR" the murder is more talked about than it will be in this book. The focus of this book will be the unseen, the unhung, the unnoticed, and the unwanted. There will be talk about why people do it, why they want to remain anonymous, and how they will go to great lengths to make that happen in some cases, whereas in other cases, they truly want to be noticed but can't make it happen. 

    I could call the book "Paradox" but that's not the title.  It takes place mostly in Sarasota, Florida, so I'll need to do a bit of research of the area. The other two main characters are from just outside of Dallas, and from DeQueen, Arkansas, where my daddy was born and raised. The heroine, Leigh Avery Madsen, is from DeQueen and she finds herself moving to New York City for work  -- Mathew James McConner, one of the two leading men in the book, is about six or seven years older than Leigh, he's about 38 or so, probably. He's from Decatur, Texas, and was working in Dallas before going to Chicago to become a top-tier chef.

    They both end up in Sarasota, years apart, and they know or have known Pastor Charlie Garrett, who by the way, is my real-life preacher! I can't tell you how excited I am that he's allowing me to use his real name, likeness, and personality for the book -- he's gifted and wonderful, and I love him and his precious family. His wife Hideko will be in the book as well, and their eight have to include the dogs!

    So, this is it. This is the start. I'm turning the pages soon, and making it happen. This is a drama, a book that will include romance, murder, deep discussion, appreciation, awareness for self, and there may even be a recipe or two since Mathew is a chef. It only makes sense. I'll even throw in a few tips for trading on the FOREX since I like to do that, and Leigh is a trader herself. She scalps! Woot!  This will be fun. 

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