Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sam's Club and Costco

 So, it looks like I will be making a decision this week. I'll either join Sam's Club or I'll join Costco. I'll likely choose Sam's because it's so much closer than Costco, but I think Costco is bigger and would have more things for me to buy. The thing is, however, I don't think I really need to buy most of my things in bulk  -- so it's probably just as well that I'm going to probably choose Sam's.  It's $50 a year for basic club and $100 for the premium membership - - I don't know the difference yet. I will check that out this week as well.

    I think another reason I'll go to Sam's Club is to get my steps in. I can walk it and get my 10,000 steps in pretty easily actually - - and since it's closer I won't have to fight traffic to do it. I like that. I want to get my walking in without having to go to the gym to use their treadmills. I may end up buying a walking pad, to be honest. I can still use Sam's (see, I've made my mind up, haven't I?) as a safety net - - Jeannie will want to go too, and that's cool. I can get all my meat there because I don't mind buying that in bulk and separating it doesn't bother me. $4.48 for a pound of ground is good.

    I will probably buy my vacuum cleaner there. I saw a REALLY good Shark brand unit for $179 that is $279 at Best Buy just 1 mile down the road! Most of the things they have are for bulk use - but there are things that are sold separately. Today, I bought cat litter (52 pounds for $13), honey made in Oklahoma ($16 for a big bottle, worth every penny) and a fat  jar of medium salsa that Laura really loves. I think I'll end up buying my rice, toilet paper, paper towels, dog food, cat food, frozen veggies, meats, and any electronics I think I may have to have  -- but I'm not joining for the savings. I'm joining for the walking ability!!

    Sam's is closer to my heart because it is named after Sam Walton; he's a good man. I'm not a fan of his kids or his grandkids, but he was a good man. He did a great thing for the average man and woman of the South. Of course, Walmarts are all over now, but he started them in Arkansas. I mean, a lot of folks don't know he was born in Kingfisher, Oklahoma, but he was. I remember being in the 2nd grade, so I was 7, which would have been 1968-69 and that's when I went to my first Walmart store. It was in Amber, Oklahoma. Walmart started out in small towns.

    The first time I saw a restaurant (McDonald's) inside a Walmart, I thought I had seen it all! That, to me, was the epitome of doing things right! I won't shop at a Walmart now unless I go to a small town to do it. I can't stand the way the big city has ruined the brand and how rude and crazy the people inside the stores are in the larger cities. I've yet to see someone being crazy or inappropriate in a small town Walmart. I think they may have them, but I have never seen them, not once. I typically shop at stores where I won't see a lot of nonsense.

    So, I'll pay $50 a year and get my card so I can go walking the aisles and get my steps in, and I'll come out with a few things I'm sure. I may have to buy a big freezer to keep all the meat and ice cream sandwiches in, but if I have to make that sacrifice I can't think of a better reason to do it. There is one thing I saw today that I liked. It was a rolling storage cabinet - - one with French doors. I would use that as a pantry.  I don't know if it would actually fit in my house, but if I had a bigger house I would buy it and use it for that  -- made me think when I saw it!!

Photo Credit: Me.  ( I really have no use for an 86" TV )



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