Friday, June 21, 2024

New House Excitement - - Can't Help it!

 OK, I'm trying really hard to not get too excited and to not think I have the house yet  -- I have filled out the application, I've turned it in to my landlord - - and I've paid the deposit. The fact that my landlord knows me, and has known me for over 15 years helps. I've lived in this complex five times in my life; she's been the landlord of the complex probably since 2006 - - so we've known each other that long.  I was here in 2006 as well as now. I moved out in 2008 and came back in 2014 and again in 2016. 

    I'm just going over the possibilities of the whole thing and getting really happy thinking about cleaning the house, decorating it, buying furniture, curtains, and things to put my small appliances in. I'm thinking too much, and I know it. But, the alternative is to not be happy and no one wants to do that. If she says no I'll be uber surprised, but it will be what it is  -- she knows if she tells me no I'll leave and probably never speak to her again. There's that.

    If I made a list of all the things I love about it I would have to include things like, there are no stairs. We live upstairs now, and I won't have to do that if I live there. I'll have a carport to put my car under when there's bad weather. Currently, I move my car to the parking garage behind my apartment unit. It's never been a problem, but I won't have to do that. More big things are that there is a washer and dryer in the house! I have walked my laundry downstairs, and around the corner (and paid for it to be washed) for nine years! I won't have to do that if I live there.

    There are no neighbors!! I love my next-door neighbors, you can't get better neighbors, and to be honest, we're probably the loud neighbors if I'm being honest - - but one of our neighbors either forgets or intentionally leaves the front door to the building open and unlocked. Another one smokes and it drifts up to our neighbors is really a blessing. That, and there are 10 windows in the house!! I counted. I love the light. The house was darker before, but recently they opened up the space and added new windows, drywall, flooring, quartz counters, great sinks, and faucets; they even put in new kitchen appliances. (a French door fridge with ice and water in the door, too.)

    Another HUGE thing (and difference) is the fact that the house is totally floored with hardwood (no carpet) there is tile in the bathrooms. We can get a Roomba.  I'm looking forward to it actually.  The back door opens to the backyard and I can just open it, and put the dogs out!! That is so big - - you may not think so, but we literally have to walk down the stairs 8-10 times EVERY DAY to walk the dogs. This is going to be a game changer and I simply can't wait - - and I pray it goes through. Like I said, if it doesn't, I'll leave. I think it will go through.

    I will mount a flag holder and fly the American flag outside. I will feed the birds from a couple of bird feeders, and I'll decorate the house every season - - beginning with Autumn!! I am too (very very) excited about that, and Michael's and Hobby Lobby will see a lot of me soon. It will be so obnoxious. You'll see it - - you'll love it. It will win awards.  I'm not going to do the inflatables, no, that's my son's thing  -- I will do the standard cute to the max thing -- it will be glorious. I will sit on the side porch, drink tea with my friend, and watch people.

    I'm already picking out bathroom mats! I'm buying towels in my mind, and I've decided to put the bookshelves in different corners and not have them flanking the TV as they have been for 9 years - - new house, new stuff, new adventures for sure. I'll definitely get better renter's insurance. The house is detached, so I don't have to worry about neighbors and their candles or cigarettes, but I will want to fully cover my contents and give me that peace of mind from having it.

    I won't say wish me luck - - that's for the Irish! I am born again, I say, pray! Thank you.

Photo Credit: Me. 

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