Saturday, June 29, 2024

Preparing the Move! (about a month away)

 We have about a month before we move into the new place.  It would be great if we knew exactly how many weekends we have, but it is what it is. We have put up with the way management is where we live for over eight years this time and several other times that we have lived in the complex. It's a unique experience to say the least.

    We are at the end, however, of an era. Our manager will be stepping down -- or sideways really. Her daughter-in-law will be the new manager, and since she's in her 40's I think, she'll be around for the next 30 or 40 years probably. Our landlady, or the manager, will remain on site two or three days a week because she'll come up and visit with her kin. She's like that. We'll see her, hug her, talk to her, have coffee or tea with her, and remember to remind her to remind her daughter-in-law that we're still her favorite.

    The weekends will be our purging times. This weekend I'll make a decision to plan out all that I'm going to purge, and then next weekend, when Jeannie comes over, I'll do the first round of clothes and shoes and whatever is under the bed. Whatever is under the bed turns out to be more clothes; mostly t-shirts that I've rolled up and stored away, thinking I would rotate them into what I end up wearing. I'm not kidding, I think I own more than 100 t-shirts. That needs to change.

    I glanced over at my shoe rack today and noticed several if not all of them were covered in dust. There's a reason for that; I don't wear shoes. I do own shoes! I own a lot of shoes. I own a lot of boots too - - that has to change. I don't need them, I don't wear them, I don't use them, they need to find good homes. This time next week, they will be donated. I will have so much more space -- and so much less to take over to the new house.

    By this time next week, I'll have walked through the new house without all the things that were in it when I first walked through it. The old tenant is gone, the house has been sanitized but still may need to be fixed. The electrician and plumbers are coming out in a week or so to go through it and see if they need to do anything. I'll take a boatload of photos of every corner of the place to better pretend! I love pretending. It's what I do, and I do it well.

    I'm going online now and finding the right sofa, chair, nightstands, and curtains. I'm thinking of when I'll go to Sam's Club and buy things in bulk that I can store in the storage room; toilet paper, paper towels, Tootsie Pops!! Who am I kidding the Tootsie Pops will be stored in the pantry in the kitchen for easier access!!  I buy them in big boxes on Amazon for $15 for 100 suckers - - it's a very good price for a very good product.

    It won't take long to pack up the rooms either. We're already collecting boxes and trimming down. We see something we don't need or want to bring over to the new place, and it goes into the donation boxes in the living room. They're filling up quickly.  I won't decorate the same either; things will go away and new things will appear in their place. We've stared at the same art for over 8 years - I brought some of it with me from God knows when - - one piece in particular is over 30 years old. I love it, but it will be donated. 

    I'm purging the mugs in my kitchen. I'm buying new ones, and making new memories. I'll take the pots and pans I have, but soon buy new ones and donate the others. That's down the road as far as purging is concerned. I am mostly getting rid of things I don't use that someone else could use. I use my pots and pans every day - - there is a difference. The fluff goes first. I have six coats and I think I use one. I mostly wear hoodies in the winter, but I will keep one coat in case of emergency.

    Since both Laura and I work from home, there's no reason to have fancy dress clothes hanging in my closet. I don't go anywhere and I'm not returning to the classroom or an office anytime in my lifetime - - those clothes will be donated. It's amazing how much I accumulated when I worked out of the house; I wanted to have different clothes to wear. I not only managed to have different clothes, I have so many things that I could work two months without wearing the same thing. That's not necessary. 

    I know this will be my last move too; unless my books take off and I need to move to a place I find more interesting. Since I believe this is my last move, I want it to be fast, smooth, and easy. I have a month to plan that, and that's what I'm doing. I am hoping to make quite a few trips to Goodwill for the clothes and items, but we also have a method here at the complex where we leave good items we don't want and someone who lives here may want them.  We put them in the laundry room and if they're not gone in a couple of days, we take them to the trash.  That will happen first probably, and then Goodwill.

    Planning is my forte. I love it. My plans have plans. I write about planning - - like I'm doing right now.  I am in a great mood!! I think I'll run over to Home Depot and find the plants I expect to buy later and the cleaners I'm planning to use - - it's all a part of the mind games and pretending. You can't know how happy it makes me to do this!!

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