Wednesday, June 26, 2024

I Did it!! I Joined Sam's Club!!

 Sam's Club is about a mile from my house, maybe slightly further, but I won't be measuring - it's close to my house. I decided to join it so I could buy really cool stuff at a reduced price, but also so I can walk the place about 8 laps a week and get my steps in. If it's hot outside I stay cool and if it's cool outside I stay warm. Sam's Club is going to be an even 70-72 degrees; so yeah, it's a good bet I'll be happy during my walk.

    I joined at the regular club price of $50 a year so that I could buy stuff at a reduced price and since I don't live that far away, I don't have to have it delivered. If I did want to have it delivered, I could have joined with the premium club option and paid $100 a year, but still -- that's amazing considering the free delivery! They don't want you just getting a couple of items of course, but it's a good thing when you order 10 bags of this, or 12 boxes of that - - which again, I won't need to do.

    Their dog food is good actually, it's manufactured by another recognized brand, but sold in a Sam's marketed bag - - the same food, literally 1/3 less the cost. I'm OK with that, but more importantly, Ginger is OK with that. The 25# bag of jasmine rice will have to wait until I move so I don't have to lug it up and down the stairs -- I can wait on the 52# bag of cat litter too!

    Some of the things I will buy from Sam's include packages of meat, larger blocks of cheese (I can slice it), and big boxes of breakfast bars. Today, because I could, I bought a big bag of cheesy garlic bread flavored Lay's potato chips - yes, I did! I almost bought some walking shorts, but they were all too short! What's up with these marketing people thinking we all want to show off our butt cheeks? I don't want shorter shorts because I don't want to burn my legs on my car seat! It's a real thing here in Oklahoma...heat that is, heat is a very very real thing.

    You know you're in Oklahoma when you see people fighting for the shady spots in the parking lot, not the slots closer to the door! We think down here!  Something else I really liked about joining Sam's was the big box of coffee creamer - - you heard me, the BOX of coffee creamer. It's a half gallon of the stuff, and it's only 35 calories - - and dang good!! So very very good. It was $3.42...which is unheard of in most parts of the world; not the price, but the coffee creamer! Coffee creamer is unheard of in most of the world! Crazy people.

    Hamburger meat is $4.48 a pound, you buy 3 square pounds at a time, freeze them, and you're good. The bread comes in two loaves, use one, freeze one.  They have these massive beef franks that were 12 for $10.42 - - each one of these hot dogs would go for $6.00 in a stadium somewhere - - on a bun of course, but that's just such a deal. I bought a box of Bevita dark chocolate sandwich cookies (breakfast) for $12 I think, and I think ( I want to say ) it has 24 cookie packs and there are 2 sandwiches in each - - so 48...I was wrong, I looked. It's 25 packs of 2, so 50.

    A huge bag of Seattle's best coffee is $12.48 and 3 pounds. Yes, three pounds of coffee made from Starbucks - - because Seattle's Best Coffee is manufactured by Starbucks. The same size bag of Starbucks Verona style is $17.48 - - it's the SAME THING!  I'm not trying to support Starbucks, but I will buy good coffee when I see it - - we bought a big box of Chex brand cereal too; Strawberry and Vanilla flavored. Crazy? We think not. I bet I end up loving it.

    Besides the Oil of Olay bath wash that I have my eye on, and will buy when I move, there are just so many other things at the store that kept me thinking I made the right decision today. I may not buy gallons of olive oil or ranch dressing, and I may not buy 15 pounds of ground beef at once or a variety pack of 60 cookies (think party or Vacation Bible School) but I will buy some of the lesser bulky things - a sack of potatoes is $4.36 for 10 pounds. I can split that with a friend. I will end up buying my Rx glasses there - - if I ever order them. I use readers.

    Basically, Sam's is there to help me lose weight, have fun, and shake my head at the free demonstration foods on Saturday - - I could make a meal of it every week! I may make a meal of it every week. You just never know, and they give free stuff away to members during the hours of 11-2 so yeah -- I'm there! I'm doing it.  Call me suburbanized - - it's a real thing - - another real thing. 

Photo Credit:  The Oklahoman

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