Monday, June 24, 2024

Pretending!! (New House Stuff)

 OMG...I am very happy!! We got the house!!  It was about 99% sure, but now we're sure-sure.  The landlord is putting the deposit check through, so that means it's ours. I can't wait!! As usual, when these things happen in my life, I start thinking of all the things I won't miss - - and this time is no different. I say this time is no different, but here I am not counting Laura as one of the things I'll not miss because I'm dragging her with me!! That's right, the woman is still going to be my roommate!!

    The other two children who I gave birth to think Laura and I should split up and live separately, but every time I tried Laura either lost her job, or I lost my job, or both of us lost our jobs at the same time - - making it virtually impossible for one or the other of us to split off. It wouldn't have mattered, we would have needed to stay with each other to help the other one out. We're pathetic...I know, but she's the one with the loaded guns and she's really scary in the early mornings. 

    Well, turns out Laura is a great roommate. She pays half the bills, or just about half, and she's really good at taking out the trash, putting things together that I buy that need to be put together, and she's even halfway decent at cleaning parts of the house that others see. Her room is still a disaster zone, but who really cares? She can close the door. Well, NOW...she can close TWO DOORS!!

    The house has three bedrooms and a really cool storage room that is actually larger than any of the three bedrooms. It doesn't have a window, which in the UK would make it a box room. It's 14' x 14' whereas our bedrooms are all 12' x 12'. We each have our own bathroom too, but we will have to share the common rooms. The house is made of stone, has a very good interior and exterior structure, and has been remodeled about two years back, making it really modern and really nice. 

    We have a backyard for the dogs and for my new plants, a carport for my car, (Laura doesn't drive), and a driveway for Jeannie! I'll actually end up parking in the drive unless and until we have bad weather; then it's inside the carport for me. There are other really cool features that we simply don't have at the apartment, and those are a garbage disposal, washer and dryer hookups, a larger-than-necessary refrigerator, an extra bedroom, an extra bathroom, and the extra storage room for sure. 

    Because the floors are heavy laminate, I'll buy a Roomba-type vacuum cleaner and watch the thing chase the cats! That should be fun. I can mount a laser pointer on it for extra giggles. The back door opens to the backyard, so I won't have to take the dog down a flight of stairs 8-10 times a day, and though it doesn't have a dishwasher, I don't use one. I wash my own. There is, however, an actual pantry for my food. This apartment has one too, but for 9 years I've used it for other bits of storage. 

    I'm going to have a real-live dining room-- one I can put a table in with chairs, runners, centerpieces, and yes, food on plates and force my roommate to eat with me. I can force her by threatening not to feed her -- she typically complies. She'll be on one side of the house, while I'll be on the other, and let me just say I can't be more thrilled...well, I mean sure, I could be, but I love having her as a roomie because it gives me someone to complain to. The poor dog shouldn't have to hear that from me. 

    I've been on Amazon for a couple of days now simply pretending and taking snippets of literally all the things I think I want to buy - - but you know me, I'll end up not buying most of it, talking myself out of it for whatever reason. I'll have a clean house finally, not a stuffed-to-the-brim house. I have been looking for a good reason to get rid of 30% of what I own and just live like I know I should. I don't need so much of what I've accumulated...this weekend and every weekend until I move, I'll make trips to Goodwill..this makes me happy.

    Each bedroom has two windows I think, and each bedroom has a good-sized closet with wonderful shelves. I checked with the electric, gas, and water companies today to get an average of what the bills have been over the past two years and it really is within our budget. Two people lived there before, so it should be about the same. I do shower and bathe a lot, and I do end up cooking a great deal of the time, but I think we'll be able to pull this off with grace and love.

    If Laura ever does decide to leave me she'll have to find her own place to live - - I think I'm going to stay put until Jesus comes back. That's the plan anyway. Good plan.

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