Tuesday, June 4, 2024

"MESA" Correcting It.

 This probably won't be that long of a blog - I have to get into the book and start reading it so I can make all the necessary corrections. I read it as a book because reading it online is too hard for me to do after the 3rd time. I need to hold it, see it, turn the pages, and take the ballpoint pen to the pages when I do find errors. I know I'll find quite a few - - hopefully less than I think I will find - - I am really hoping for less.

    The main thing is, when I first saw it - - right out of the cardboard sleeve they sent it in, I noticed that the dang book is off-center on the front cover - - that will have to be corrected. The entire cover will have to be resized of course, which isn't a big deal, but I hate that I have to. They didn't use the one I sent up apparently, they cropped it somehow and I have to fix it - - they claim I sent it that way - - I hate them so much.

    The back cover has HUGE lettering which will need to be adjusted. It looked fine when I saw it online, but when you see it in person - - not so much. The photo of me is too dark too - - sucks. That's the cover - - the book's interior has a major problem with the space going into the gutter - - the center of the book. There is virtually NO space and I set it up for it to be at least .4 (which means nothing to you, but it's good) and they either didn't take my criteria or the formatting got screwed up when they uploaded. I don't know, but I have to find out before I resubmit. I don't want them to do it and have it be too wide.

    Writing and publishing books is a lot of fun - - but it's also a lot of work. I'll read the book over the week and send it up on Sunday to be redone. It should be ready to buy by June 22. You can "buy" it now, but it won't be printed until June 22 and by then it should be corrected. Fun times for me this week! Good thing I like the book - - and the author. She is so nice to me.

Photos Credit: Peanuts.com

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