Thursday, June 6, 2024

"Murder Book" is an eBook!! (June 22 Publishing Date)

 June 22, 2024 is NOT just my best friend's birthday, but it is also the day that my book "Murder Book" comes out in eBook format on Amazon! It will be sold for $3.99 and of that I am paid $1.60 (which is a LOT lower than I expected!) I was told we were paid 70% but we're not. It's 40% and where that sucks, it's not the money that I'm excited about, it's getting the book out there for people to read!

    When "Mesa" comes out (also June 22, 2024) it will be in PRINT form until about August and then it too, will be in eBook format. I'm doing one book every two weeks and I'm doing them in order for the most part. I want all of the books to have the same chance(s) as the others do.  I don't necessarily like one of my books over another one - - but I am partial (just a little) to "Murder Book".  

    There was a time when I thought I would learn to do the conversion myself, save money, and be the author who did all things by herself - - then I realized how much work it would be and decided that paying .60 per page for them to do it made a lot more sense. I do realize that it means I have to sell about 115 books to break even, but that's OK too. Again, it's not about the money -- it's the good experience. It's worth it. "Murder Book" has 308 pages and it costs $184.80 to get done. It was painless really - - but now I don't have to worry....hopefully.

    I've never seen a book go from print to eBook (my books) but I'm hoping that what I read about the conversion is true. I think all I have to do is pay for it, hit the little button that asks for a free ISBN - - and then hit the other button that says "convert Print to eBook" and BAM!  Done! At least, that is my hope. If I paid $184.80 and I still have to do something, I'm not going to be happy.

    I wanted the books to be $1.99 for the first 90 days and then changed to $3.99 but decided again, that I would have to keep going back and forth, and it would be a headache - - people can pay $3.99. It's cheap. It's a good cheap price for a 308-page book that is fun and it has several sequels. I do it - - I buy three or four books from unknown authors for $2.99-4.99 and think nothing of it. I even paid $8.99 once - - wow! I must have seen something in the reviews that I liked.

    That's another thing; having the book out on Amazon for $3.99 on eBook guarantees me more reviews. I can't say everyone will be kind, but I'm not writing to please anyone either - - I write to write. I have stories in my head that need to be expressed, so I write them. I do hope others like them, and I pray they are read over and over again - - that would make me happy. I want to hear what people think, but if they only want to say mean or rude things -- then yeah, no, I don't want to hear it. I'm not saying they have to lie - - I just want to know if the book was enjoyable.

    So, when you think about it - - write down the date for June 22, 2024, and go to Amazon to see if both "Mesa" and "Murder Book" are available. I'd rather pay $3.99 for an eBook than to pay $18.00 for a printed book. That's just me. I have to fix "Mesa" before it comes out. I'm reading it for its last go around's available, but let me just say - it SUCKS right now because Ingram Spark published it incorrectly, and I have to go in and make MAJOR corrections with the formatting. I have to get them to stop the press on it until it's ready to go.


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