Friday, March 29, 2024

MESA (On HOLD) Not Happening Right Now.

 I sort of knew this would happen. The only reason I could write all six novels in 2023 was that I wasn't working full-time. I am now working, so I can't get the energy, the creativity, or the time to sit down and write the books like I want to. It's just going to have to take a backseat. 

    What I am doing, and what I can do, is research the stuffings out of the book, so that when I do sit down to write it, I will have notes out the wahzoo about it and I can get it written rather quickly. I'm just not motivated after working all day, to sit down and write. I'm still working on myself right now, and trying to get a few things underway.

    I've been really ill the past few weeks with what was probably another bout of Covid, but I didn't want to give that any credence. I'm absolutely sure it was a bad allergy-induced cold, but with the lung thing attached, I have to say it was or is probably Covid and I'm not the least bit happy about it. I managed to get over the cold part, the sick part, in just about a week's time, but the coughing and stuff is still lingering. 

    On top of all that, I decided to over-extend myself, and take Ivermectin to assist with the lung thing, and it did work. I can certainly feel them clearing up but in the process the dang stuff set off a chain-reaction of killing off parasites in my body, which is what Ivermectin does in the first place. This drug is good, let me just say that. I am now, three days in, and have had some side effects that I would not wish on anyone.

    The Ivermectin takes hold of you on the third day like an all-inclusive progress. I know the parasites are leaving me because they're fighting tooth and nail to cling to life. My head hurt right on the top, but not really very painful, it's just that I couldn't stand up. I couldn't really open my eyes and I couldn't do anything about it for literally 15 hours. I was down! The good news is, after it was over and I slept all day and then all night after that, I woke up with 50% of myself and I was able to work. 

    I did have a good release and/or movement, and yes, I did look, and yes, there were quite a few parasites which have been "flushed" from me and down the toilet. I do feel better. I thought it was going to be easier I think, but it was not. I'm told that about 20% of the people who take it have these symptoms. It may or may not happen so don't think I'm telling you that it will happen to you if you take it.  MANY people take the paste/gel and are fine. Many others take the pill form and they are fine. TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR before you attempt it.

    Anyway, that all being said, my body and my mind are just not in sync right now, so I'll read and I'll study, and I'll think. This gives me the freedom to come up with really good lines for my characters to use. I may even have one or the other of them take a dose of Ivermectin to cure them of something - - it may happen. I like to add my personal experiences in my novels. It helps me to deal with my life in an entirely differently way. Sharing is caring!!

    I hope you have a GREAT Resurrection weekend. This is the weekend I feel closest to Jesus because He did lay down His own life for mine - - if I were the only one to do it for, He would still have done it. That fact makes me so very grateful. I was laying in my bed with the worst head-spinning and I closed my eyes and remembered that it was on Thursday that they crucified my Lord. It was Thursday when I was an invalid myself. I can see the bright and beautiful promise of Sunday!

    I will get "Mesa" written. It will happen, just not today.

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