Saturday, November 11, 2023

Fluffen-Fluffy-Fluff and Fluff!! Be Gone!

     Here I go again!! I hate that I even have to admit this, but admitting it makes me that much more aware of it, and that much more willing to do something about it. I have let my body go over the past year because I was working and lost my job a the end of December. Because I was given a small severance and knew I could live on it, I didn't do much in the way of exercising. I let the cold weather be yet another excuse, and I just didn't work out. I didn't eat that well either, and here we are today!! Right back to where I was about this time three years ago, but at least at that time, I had already lost about 20 of the 60 pounds I wanted to lose.

    It's OK...I'm resilient, and I'm also determined. I'm one of those idiots who gets on her high horse and forces it to go in the direction she wants it to, and then I stop and rest for too long.  NOT THIS TIME. If I have to post photo after photo of my fat (sorry, fluffy) body, then that is what I'll need to do. I know that in 2023, we're not supposed to fat-shame or make fun of, ridicule, or otherwise bad-mouth people with certain body shapes, but this is MY body, and I'm not happy with its shape. I'm going to push myself until it is changed, and if I can't force it, I'll damn well pay for it to be put into the shape I think it should be. 

    I think I can officially say I started my program two days ago, but we'll say today since it's Veteran's Day, and the date is 11-11-23; last year was more fun at 11-11-22, but OK whatever. I didn't do what I needed to do then, but I'm doing it now! I am exercising again, and doing more yoga. I'm eating better again, and cutting out as much sugar as possible. I'm drinking 100 ounces of lemon or lime water a day, and I'm changing the ways I exercise so I include weight lifting, boxing, walking, stretching, and other forms of movement. It's important to mix it up; it helps with the overall change process. Your body can adapt to one type of exercise and become immune to change. Challenge yourself to add strength training with cardio.

    Anyway, today's lunch is a smoothie made with hemp protein powder, two avocados, blueberries, skim milk, flaxseed, and chia seeds. Good stuff. If you don't like the taste of dirt use another protein powder. The dirt taste from the hemp has never been a problem for me, but just about everyone I know hates it. If you ever go to McDonald's and get their unsweetened tea it also tastes like hay or dirt. I love it. But that's just me, and yes, I'm weird, so you have to know that before really understanding much of what I say. Someone has to be the weirdo and I don't mind doing the task.

    Hope you have a brilliant and bright day, and I hope you move. I hope you get up off your butt and do a lot of cardio, breathing, stretching, moving, and proper eating so that I'm not the only one!! We may all need this...if you do, I hope you'll join me at least in spirit. 

Photo Credit:

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