Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Bay Sorrel Ranch (Chapter 5 Done)

     I have an entirely different feel about this book than I did with the others. This one is really close to my heart, but in some ways, it is so vastly different from what I actually experienced. I'm taking huge liberties with it, and throwing in a lot of innuendo, as well as unstated truths and half-truths. It's OK because it's a fiction book. I can lie all the way through it if I want to. There is nothing stopping me from making every last word a work of tale, but there are a great many realisms to be had in it as well.

    I'm going further to explain personalities in this one; at least I have been doing so, and I may continue. I'm giving the main character many of my own traits intentionally, but I'm giving her many freedoms I never had. She'll be a mix of the good, the bad, the ugly, and the money I didn't get to enjoy when I was raising my kids. I've been writing conversations between the main character's children, and I have intentionally added many of the quaint and not-so-quaint things my own three did with and to each other. I'm adding means and methods that have nothing to do with my own ways of upbringing and/or theirs. It's truly a mix, and it's fun to pour out the words and see where they go.

    It's funny because the title of this blog basically says I've written up to and through Chapter 5, but I'm thinking I'll write another chapter or two tonight. I'm not saying this book will be written quickly. I don't know. I took two weeks off already because I was focusing on my need to work; which is a great need. It may be that I am forced to write this one in between job searching and maybe at night when the job boards are being reloaded. If I could just somehow make people see that buying my books is a great thing, I could be a successful author and not just a prolific one.

    My ex-sister-in-law and I went to the Full Circle Bookstore yesterday. It's one of the best old-fashioned bookstores I've been privileged to frequent. She and I went over the books, reading their titles, and seeing the names of the authors, and when I intentionally moved her over to the shelf that had about three of my own books on it, she took a double-take. She had no idea I had actually written ten books; all of which are on Amazon, but yeah, I've ordered a few to be shelved in my favorite bookstore. If they sell they sell, right? She laughed and said she gets them for Christmas, and I had to sign them all as well. OK...deal.  I got her in the divorce decree. She's mine.

    The Bay Sorrel Ranch is a fictional ranch of course, but it is based loosely on about ten different boarding facilities my daughter and I have been associated with. We have boarded at some of the best and some of the worst places this side of the Pecos! I'm not kidding you. The rules, the antics, and some of the tricks, and shenanigans pulled by the owners would stun anyone!! I say it all the time, the best thing about horse-people is their dogs! Some horse-people are not worth spitting on even if they were on fire. Don't get me wrong, I don't wish bad on anyone, but I really shake my head at times when I think about the crap we've been put through over the years.

    One or two of the horses I go on about in my new book will be actual horses I've owned, but for the most part, they will also be fictional. One of the best things about being an author is that I can write whatever I want, go as deeply, and as directly at someone with both barrels loaded with words - - and I can shoot how many times I damn well please to shoot. The pen is so much stronger, swifter, and mightier than the sword ever could be. In my case, the keyboard - - gotta keep up with the times.

    Chapter 5 is in the can! But by this time tomorrow, I'll have written two or three more chapters. I may not blog about it until I have several more written. You never know. Today was all about introducing my younger daughter and my son, as they won't be focused on much in the book - - just mentioned. They prefer it that way actually. I can't leave them out, they are crystal-clear and so very radiant in my life. I give them fake names, addresses, and even characteristics, but I also give them enough of their own so they know I love them and want them close to my heart at all times. 

    Today's chapters wrapped up the purchase of the barn, the closing, and the inventory, and started the progress of what will take place now that it's a real working ranch again. It had been left to any and everyone to do with it as they saw fit - - all that changes, and for some, that's not something they particularly like.  That's too damn bad for them, but it could be a bit of a challenge for my main characters as well. You'll see.  Saddle up. It's gonna be a ride.

Photo Credit: Me. This is Laura about 11-12 years ago -- she won that race!


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