Sunday, November 26, 2023

Bay Sorrel Ranch (Twelve Chapters In) 36% Done

     If I'm sticking with my goal of 86,000 words, then at 31,000 I am about 35-36% done with the new novel. It's not what I thought it was going to be. It's so funny to see and hear myself say things like that. After all, I am the one writing the book, shouldn't I get a say in what it is or how it turns out? You would think that, but you would be wrong.

    I cannot speak for anyone else other than myself, but I can say that my characters start out as real people, not as fast-swimming sperm vying for life. No, they are already grown in most cases, and they have their own views, opinions, mannerisms, and behaviors. Some of them, as you know, are killers! Some of course, because I'm that way, are law enforcers who go over the top and beyond their own strengths to catch those other types. I have lovers, bankers, horse people, dog owners, and even postal workers. I have doctors, gluten-free vegan types, and you know, I do love my musicians. At least one pops up in every book. 

    Come to think of it, I've just written Chapter 12 of the new Bay Sorrel Ranch book and no one has picked up a guitar yet. How is that even possible? It's a book about horse people and no one has taken a trail ride, or gone into a competition yet. I've really gotta get in touch with myself and make these things happen. I'm rather boring I think.  I have murdered a teenager. I did get that accomplished. No one knows why just yet, I mean, I think I do. I think I know why, but as I progress in this thing even that can change.

    Right now the new owner of the barns and property is just getting her feet planted and she's committing herself to the ranch life, but trying to juggle her writing career as well. The murder is actually almost hampering her new launch for what she thinks she can do with the ranch, but it's not really polite to move forward with the investigation still underway. Hey, but they did bring in the dogs!! That's always a good sign. The dogs know what they're doing...they get their man...woman, whoever. They do the work of 10 men easily. 

    The next adventure, because believe it or not, the murder isn't what the book is about, is the start of rodeo season. It's a year-round thing, but the closer you get to the summer there are outdoor shows, the more money is spent, and the more likelihood that the ranch will be seen for what the owner wants it to be known for; not the breeding grounds for illegal activities, which it has been for decades until various mismanaged ownership and such. It's a new beginning for the owner as well as the land itself. It's going to take more than a few coats of paint to cover all of the sins that took place at the BSO. (That's the former name of the place)

    I'm not going to lie, it's pretty exciting to be able to sit down and key out what I want to say, what I think should happen, and what I remember happening to us at other barns when we had horses. I'm drawing from real-life experiences in most cases, notwithstanding the murder. One barn we boarded at had three ex-convicts working at it; one was out on good behavior after being a part of a murder case in the late '90s. I think he was there, I think he was young, but I don't think he's telling the truth about it. I left the barn pretty quickly when I realized that they were selling drugs after hours. If you can't access your horse around the clock, there's a problem.

    There were so many bad barns in our lives. So many bad barn owners. We have one woman who we cherish, and she alone stands out as being a good barn owner, but even she knew how to push my buttons at times. I love her, and she knows I do, but she did try to tell me how to ride, and that just isn't going to happen.  I didn't mind if she wanted to instruct my daughter, but she got a bop on her head with my lightly closed fist (not hard, I promise) when she persisted with instructing me. 

    I don't know if I'll include her in the book, but I probably will, as I'll have the main character call her to let her know she's now a barn owner and trying to be as fair and open-minded as the one we love has always been.  For now, I'm having fun etching out the do's and don'ts of the next few chapters. I'll get them all outlined tomorrow and/or the next day. I don't have to rush because I don't have a subscription to Canva to do the new cover. When I do, I have an idea of what it will look like. What do you want to bet there's going to be a horse on the front of the book!


Photo Credit: Equine Helper

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