Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Bay Sorrel Ranch (47% Done) Woot!

     I didn't write anything yesterday, but I did today. In fact, I don't think I wrote anything for two days. I do that. I didn't decide I would write three chapters today, but what happens is, I'll sit down and start writing, and then my characters start talking and they fill out the chapter! I haven't said what I thought I would say, and suddenly there are 2300 words being passed around like nothing before it. So, the only thing I can do is put in a page break, and start the next chapter.

    That's what I did today. I had to deal with the murder at the ranch, but since the book isn't really about the murder, I didn't want to go all 48-Hours or Dateline on it, just sort of mention this or that about the autopsy, and how the girl was pregnant, and before I know, the characters started in on what they thought happened. I didn't want to stop them, they were really getting into it. So that's how I write, and now you know. I start a conversation and I listen to the various voices in my head -- yes, various, but they're not crazy most of the time. They don't ever tell me to kill anyone, we're only killing fictional people, I promise.

    I'm in the middle of buying a few horses now and having them trained. They're all Mustangs. The ranch is a Mustang ranch that doubles as a boarding facility. The boarders keep the lights on basically, no extra money is made off of them. If you don't know anything about horse boarding facilities that may sound odd, but you really don't make any money off of them. If you have to pay managers and feeders, grounds people, and such, you don't have anything left over. You have feed, you have equipment, you have water, gas, and electric bills, you really really don't make anything off of boarding, but you can keep your lights on.

    My main character (Jule) is an author, and she's in Scotland right now launching her seventh Highland Romance novel. She's really having a great time and I'll pay a bit of attention to that as well, but the ranch is her new thing. She's opened it to boarding, she's working it, she's loving the country living, but then she's very much falling for her old flame who hasn't even ridden a horse in over thirty years; she'll be his trainer too. It's going to be a really good ride - - and read. I hope you like drama, love, fun, and even a bit of nonsense. This book has it all.

Photo Credit: Me.  (a brown baby horse)

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