Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Remote! Get Set! Go!

 I've been working remotely and on my own for so long now, that I had a really hard time walking into an office during the Pandemic while everyone else was working from home.  I eventually stopped going into that office, as they too, closed, but it was odd for me, the remote at-home worker, to be expected to be in an office setting so the boss could have easier access to me.  Neither of us was particularly concerned with COVID and to be perfectly honest with you, both of us had the virus in late 2019, before it had a name. We were working remotely then, on our own, using Zoom and text for the most part, but as time went on he wanted me in the office to give me instructions and directions. Eventually, he too decided that spending as much as he was on rent, leasing furniture, and all of the overhead associated with running a physical office just wasn't worth it. He let me go, he branched out on his own, and we've remained close enough.  I have been bouncing around a bit trying to land a good-paying job since then, but it is what it is. I understand it.

    As an independent insurance agent, investigator, and claims adjuster, I have been working from my home office since around 2015. I owned a business in Indiana doing the same thing, but I did work out of a small one-person office in a suite of offices in the big city.  It was good to be away from the house most days. My daughters worked from home and were both living with me, as well as my fantastic son-in-law, who though he worked out of the house, was there quite a bit of the time. Being away from home was a good thing. After I moved back to Oklahoma City to help with family issues, I found myself working remotely. I didn't mind, I was not sharing the space with anyone other than the dogs and a cat. I don't think I've been down to one cat for about 7 years now that I think about it.  

    Since the Pandemic nearly everyone and yes, their dogs, work from home. I have auditioned, applied, and interviewed for so many positions that have been remote and/or calling themselves "hybrid" to give themselves an out should they reopen a physical office space.  Currently, again, through no fault of my own, I find myself seeking permanent and I do mean PERMANENT employment. Of the 64 applications I have out there, only two that I know of, are in person. The rest require that I work from home. I'm OK with either. I do think it's funny (not funny as in "ha ha", odd) that companies who would provide furniture such as desks, chairs, coat racks, break rooms, refrigerators, printers, computers and such if you work in their office are now expecting folks to buy their own laptops and ONLY use these laptops for work-related situations. They expect people to pay out $600-1000 for a piece of equipment to use solely for their company, and they want to pay out in salary less than what a person could earn flipping burgers! It really is time they did a gut check and try to figure out why they lose so many employees. DUH!

    Since I am licensed to sell every line of insurance possible, and I am also licensed to be an adjuster, as well as an associate underwriter (I need my CLU) I have options that a lot of others don't have. I can hold out a bit and take a better-paying position or one that will be a more lasting suitable position.  I just took one last month, thinking it would lead to something more permanent, but the 2nd day I was there the boss showed his colors (and books) to the tune of embezzling not only from himself but from clients. I had to leave. What part of my resume made him think I would cover up his felonies? I think I remember putting the word "investigator" right up at the top, and I mentioned I taught Ethics! Yeah, I do.

    I'm basically coming to the understanding that I will either work for myself again, or I'll learn to trade for a company that does floor trading in stocks, and I'll do that, gleaning as much strategy information as possible to help me with my personal trading. I can do that for several months, then decide to split my time between Oklahoma and Scotland. If they let me work for them still, they would be the winner in the long run.  Scotland is 6 hours ahead of Oklahoma's CST zone and I could trade both in the U.S. market as well as the London market, and help them and their clients! That's a win-win if you ask me. I think that may end up happening. If not, I can see myself working in Scotland for myself and just traveling back and forth on my own, maybe picking up trades for others when I get my Series 66/7 license. That's the real plan!!  

    I took the SIE and passed. I took the Series 66, but I missed it by literally 2 points. I think that's 1 or 2 questions. I'm so mad about that. I'll take it soon and pass then, the Series 7 when I'm sponsored to do so. Having the Series 66/7 will allow me to trade for the firm, for others, be a broker, do my own, and just really explore the entire gambit of the financial world of trading and wealth management. I think it may be a good idea to have wealth first so I can manage it. That's the plan my plan is planning for. If I had to be honest.   Let the games begin.

    Since we're all working from home these days I can't complain to anyone about the messy breakrooms, the bathrooms not being as tidy as they need to be or the trash not being emptied. I can't expect my co-workers to pay the least bit of attention to me when I give them a directive. Dogs and cats just don't want to be subjected to being treated as subordinates.  The Bearded Dragon just stares at me. You know we have all had a co-worker that did that. I understand. I really do. I think for once in my life, I have the best in the world, being at home and loving my animals while I learn and study to do more for others and myself through education and training. If I ever stop learning you can go ahead and pull the sheet over my face. I want to learn and continue to learn right up until the last breath I take! 

    Do I think it will ever go back to "normal" again? No. This is not only the new normal, it is the end of times. We're about to leave this planet for real life, and believe me when I say I can't wait. I have been hoping for, and looking forward to that promotion for YEARS! I have no idea what assignment God will give me there, but I do know the one assignment that I have now will end because the man I've been assigned to pray for is a Believer, and he's looking forward to the rapture as well.  Maybe we'll be eternal partners and come up with some really cool things to share with everyone. That's up to God, not me, but I could look at that guy for the rest of eternity -- no problems.  Talk about remote/hybrid! We'll be in and out of Glory, working, training, educating, being the preachers, judges, teachers, and whatever we're called to be - - some will probably still be musicians and singers. This is a blessing, and I thank God for it!  Yes, please! (and thank you)

So me!

Photo Credit: Road Warrior Creative


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