Thursday, September 22, 2022

A New Era - End Times

 I'm a prophecy watcher. I don't really attend church services anymore. Having grown up a Baptist in the Southwest of the US, I can pretty much recite the stories, tell you who is married to whom, how many kids they had, who they grew up to be, and what role they play in the lineage or life of Christ. I can also give you the facts surrounding and regarding every commandment, law, rule, and/or expectation of the Old and New Testament. I've often said that everyone should be a Baptist for the first 12 years of their life so they can know the Roman Road of Salvation, take the steps needed to become a Christian, be publically baptized, and then know (by heart) every book in the Bible both forward and backward - - yes, that is something we really did learn in Vacation Bible School. 

    With the passing of Queen Elizabeth II this month, an old era has been laid t rest, while a new era of time has been ushered in, and not in a subtle or easy manner. There are so many things happening on the geo-political stage right now, it would be impossible to try and name them all.  For beginners, the Prime Minister of Israel, who is actually not even a Prime Minister, but a man who is sitting in until November when the 5th try at a legal election will take place, is an idiot. This man, Yair Lapid, has literally offered a Two-State Solution to the opposite side for the purpose of bringing about "Peace and Security".  If those words ring a bell with you, and you are a Believer, and a following Believer, then you'll likely be like me, and start catching yourself gasping for air while staring up at the Eastern sky! "C'mon!! Let's Go!!!" (you'd have to know to know.)  If Damascus is destroyed by nukes this week I'll not be contained. I can tell you that!

    Around the world, as the Queen was being laid to rest, I caught videos and live vloggers talking about the differences between who really thinks her passing was important, and who didn't really care much about it either way. To say that it's a common event would be drastically overstated. She reigned for 70 long years, but the problem is that she REIGNED at all.  Most Americans, by design, thank you, are opposed to a monarchy of any sort, most of us were and are direct descendants of the men and women who left the control of the king and forged for themselves a new life here in this land, which became the United States. We aren't really big fans of kings and queens; but to be fair, I understand that her following genuinely loved her and they felt that she was a good example of what a monarch should be. We just don't think it's necessary, as we don't see the need to have one in the first place. (To be honest with you, I don't think there should be beauty queens either, and it would seem that America has been obsessed with these types for decades.)

    Those "across the pond" on the other hand, were literally raised with the monarchy being a real thing, and even an imposing thing, in that they, the Royal Family, literally own lands, have houses, manors, castles, and live the lives of the extreme privileged while millions can barely bring the ends to meet on a weekly or monthly basis. They were taught to respect, honor, and revere, but many do not. Many are, like those of us in the United States, of a more practical ilk, wanting freedom from anything opposing and they've been (slowly and steadily) showing their dislike, disdain, distaste, and in some cases (Glasgow Celtics come to mind) disrespect.  I will say that I am not happy that a 96-year-old woman who was so loved by so many has passed, but my opinion of her, and my opinion of the Royals in general, must be put aside, and I will pray for the family and friends, as well as for those who did and do love the Royals. They have truly suffered a great loss.

    What we here in America hear about the Queen or about the Royals, may very well be skewed in the same manner of how the media portrays Donald Trump to the world. Most of the Europeans I speak to hate the man, but when it comes to them narrowing down a reason, they only repeat what the news anchors have stated, they can't come up with answers on their own really. Some in the area of Aberdeen, Scotland are upset about a golf course he wanted to create in the area. They claim he was trying to force them from their homes. NEWS FLASH: He couldn't have even started the project if it hadn't been sold to him by the Scots in the first place. He didn't have rights to the land, someone sold them to him, and those people were their people.  Yes, he's an ass at times, but he's a helluva businessman, and even if you don't like his antics or his overtly charismatic personality, you have to admire that he wasn't born in a castle on an estate that took up 53,000 acres of someone else's land rights. He is self-made, and his mother was Scottish so yeah, he and the Queen have that in common too, don't they?

    With the new Prime Ministers in the UK and Israel and the new monarch with the decades of disastrous scandal in his background, I can't see how anyone in the UK can berate or belittle Trump. It's beyond me when you think about it. The very things they complain about Trump is being done to them in spades by the new king and it has been for centuries! It's hard to see that when you're a frog in a pot of warm water, it just feels so normal until suddenly you realize you're boiling.  When you point one finger at someone, four are pointing right back at you and your own past! Again, the old is dying and passing away, and the new is not as young as some would hope.  I have heard people speculate that Charles will soon be gone and William will be next in line. In line for what? Supposedly the family has no power. Supposedly, the family has no standing politically. I call bull-shit on that. Look at the following. Look at the way they are worshipped by some. There is certainly power being given to them, but I couldn't know why.

    The Bible is clear about the events in the very end, and we are right there within a gnat's eyebrow ("and yes, gnat's have eyebrows" - J.D. Farag) from seeing the Rapture of the Church.  Could it be that the Queen was the last good thing standing between what will happen in the UK and the rest of the political stage setting? At least parliament will support Israel for now, as will the U.S., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the other "young lions" as mentioned, but we (for the most part) will soon be taken; snatched away -- this will leave a huge mess for the new "man" who Charles himself discussed at a 2021's G20 world stage event when he literally said that the time has come to give this "man" the trillions of $$$ he'll need to run the show. Charles said it, not Trump.  Who is the man he spoke of? (Hint: Christians won't know, we'll be gone by the time he is revealed, but he is the Anti-Christ. No, it isn't Charles. He is neither charismatic nor from the right location.) This new king may not be the one in charge, but he will be willing to assist the one who he believes should be.

    They want you to believe there is a climate issue. Read your Bible. God created the climate issue. Does man really think he can reverse what God has set in motion? Nonsense.  The End Times will not only see increasing heat waves and areas of the world that has/have never seen such dry and arid temperatures, but there will be famine, there will be disease, there will be pestilence, and there will be earthquakes in greater numbers and greater intensity. We've seen more than 10 earthquakes in the past 10 days that have been over a 6.0 magnitude. This is more normal than rare at this point, but it wasn't always so. It won't stop. It will increase.  Wickedness will not stop. It will increase. These things must happen.  What things? Wars, rumors or threats of wars, crime, lawlessness, families failing to love each other, nations with civil unrest; it's all in there. Read Matthew 24 for context.  Read Revelation for the news update. Psst...we're sitting on top of Revelation 3 now, and when we cross over into the 4th chapter you'll see a mass exodus of literally thousands of millions of people!  Don't take my word for it, it was written more than 2000 years ago!'

    The Queen reigned for 70 years. She did not reign for 69 or 71 years, but for 70. If you are a follower you'll understand the significance of that alone. It may not be Biblical in that she wasn't named, but the symbolism of it is grand. Nothing escapes God. I won't give my personal opinion on what I think of the Royals. I won't go into detail about any research I've done or any speculation regarding who they may truly be. We are all destined to do the same thing; to meet Jesus Christ one-on-one, face-to-face, and there will be no one there with any greater standing than another. No rich, no poor, no Royal, no servant, we will all be absolutely equal before Him. The question is, and only can be, do you (or have you) accepted Jesus as your King? Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord? There is no other way but through this One. He and He alone is worthy.  We are right there folks. This is the proverbial "it".  This is how it ends, and then it all begins for eternity.  We are living in the most amazing times to be witness to these things. With this sort of witness comes great responsibility. I can't breathe for you, and I can't make decisions for anyone other than myself. 

    It is with honor, with humility and thankfulness that I can say beyond a shadow of any doubt, that I hold the belief that Jesus is the only Son of our Living God, and that He was born here on Earth, died for our sins, and here's the good part, He got out of the grave! He arose! He is alive! He is truly King. He is truly God. He will return, and I pray you to know that it is very very soon.

The Roman Road to Salvation.  Read it. Do it.

Photo Credit: CBN News

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