Monday, September 26, 2022

It Is About Damn Time Autumn!

 Here we are four days into Autumn (2022) and we have JUST NOW seen temperatures lower than 90 degrees (F) here in Oklahoma City. I'm all but beside myself with glee! I've been dancing in the mornings as I walk the dog! Thank you, God, for the nicer cooler morning weather. It has been lasting into the 10 a.m. hour, and it hasn't been unbearable throughout the day! It's about damn time! You've heard of Indian Summers and I know, the South is famous for them, but it's been way too hot for way too long, and we don't even hardly remember what rain even looks like When we do get it, it tends to pour from the open skies at a 100 miles a minute and then just like that it's gone again! I mean sure, we do get our cars washed, but flash flooding is a real thing! Little dogs can't swim that fast!

    I miss Autumn in Indianapolis! I really do. I know, even as an Engish professor I know, I'm not supposed to capitalize the seasons, but I do it anyway. I miss the heck out of Autumn in Indy! There, they have four seasons. I guess we have four here in Oklahoma as well; hot, cold, storm, and football!  We know how to do each with gusto too, let me tell you.  The colors in Indy are just breathtaking, and I can't get enough of the Japanese Maple trees that were planted right outside my house there (Avon, IN) just off the 10th hole of the Prescott Country Club.  Hundreds of pines, and dozens and dozens of other species, but my all-time favorite is the Blue Spruce. It doesn't really change colors as much as it is just so adorably majestic. The colors from the oaks, aspens, and maples are too inviting. If you haven't been up to Indiana, you're truly missing out on one of America's best-kept secrets. 

    While Florida sits on the top of the 80's today, and again tomorrow, Hurricane Ian is expected to blow its way through on Wednesday, and it's not going to leave many colorful leaves in its wake. In fact, it may take a few trees with it.  I was telling a co-worker today that I would rather have the two hours leading up to a potentially large tornado which then lasts less than 2 minutes once it comes through, and you don't have to worry for days, board up your place, or try to get out of town. You just hunker in a basement, closet, or bathroom with a mattress on top of you, and you pray really hard! It's a plan that's worked for me so far. Devastation is devastation, either way you look at it, so support, prayers, and thoughts are always with those who are going through it. Hurricane season should be over soon, I hope! We tend to see ice storms right after we burn to the ground with our summer's sun! Like I said, we have four seasons, one right after the other usually, but there are times we have them all on the same day!

    People, who aren't from here, ask Okies all the time why we stay in a place that has so many tornadoes, ice storms, deadly mosquitoes, and spiders the size of your fist? Well, at least you can see the spiders coming for ya! That's always a plus. The mosquitoes aren't actually out to get you, you usually have to invade their territory for them to be angry enough to bite you. They don't actually kill you either, that was hyperbole. Same with the spiders; I mean yeah, they're big, but not big enough to carry a weapon, vote, or steal your car. You'll be fairly safe if you just spray the house a couple of times each year when you think you see one. Where there is one there are hundreds more lurking behind the wall or baseboards. SPRAY like you mean it.  Summer is supposed to kill off most of the bugs, but anymore  I think they've learned to adapt.  Winter is supposed to kill off the summer ticks and fleas, and it's been doing its job lately. We've had some ice-packing, cold snap winter days that could challenge Alaska here in the Sooner State. We tend to clear the mess up pretty quickly once the sun realizes it's needed. Here in Oklahoma, we have over 240 days of sun out of the 365 days God gives us each year.

    I actually walked the dog for a full mile this afternoon with the sun glaring down on me without having to wear a hat or crawl back into the apartment after 11 minutes. That's a plus! That means we're on our way to a true Fall and not the Fake Fall that we get a lot of the time in the South and Southwest.  It's almost as if Summer just can't understand his/her place in the lineup each year. He/She shows up around May thinking we won't notice. A lot of folks are OK with it because it means or usually means the tornadoes stop or fizzle out, but not every year! That's a myth someone told Summer and he/she keeps poking around like it's allowed. Then he/she stays and overstays his/her welcome!! GO AWAY, thank you. I think Australia is a good place to visit around early September. If I were Summer that's where I would head off to!  Lots of water to play in too; leave the Plains, we don't really need you holding back the crop rains. 

    Whew! I looked outside and saw my American flag waving. You know what that means! There's a breeze outside. There is an actual good to the last-minute breeze! I love it.  C'mon Autumn, roll in! Show us the love we want, and the love we believe we deserve. I promise we'll treat you well too. Pull up a chair, we'll watch some football, make a bit of hot cocoa, roast a few marshmallows in the fireplace, and before I get too carried away in this wonderful fantasy I have going, let's just remember that Fall is the one season we get free candy on Halloween, it's the time of my birthday, and lots of food on Thanksgiving too! Yes, this is a good good time of year.  FINALLY!!!!




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