Friday, June 24, 2022

Roe Vs. Wade (My Opinion)

 President Ronald Reagan said it best "It would seem that everyone who is in favor of abortion has already been born"  Let's talk about that for a minute.  I know people who have had abortions. I know people who wish they wouldn't have had their abortion because it's the one thing in their life that they can point to that caused them so much pain and self-hate that they can't seem to move forward with any respect for themselves. Two of these women are movie stars. If I told you their names you would know exactly who they are. One of them ended her life over the situation, and another tried to take her life but failed to do so and is now living with that guilt as well.  Am I happy that Roe vs. Wade was overturned today? Hell yes, I am, but I wish it would never have become law, to begin with. MILLIONS of unborn babies have been murdered for the sake of convenience who would have otherwise been thriving adults today.

    A woman on the Left will scream "My body, my choice" until you tell her that the woman on the Right doesn't want to be injected with an unknown substance. Then the woman on the Left is screaming that the woman on the Right is murdering people with her diseased breath! Wasn't the woman on the Left willing to murder an innocent unborn child?  My UK friends will say that we Americans are selfish and unmoving because we think we deserve our human rights and Constitutional rights when it comes to making decisions about being vaccinated, but what about the rights of the unborn? What about the fathers of these unborn babies? Not the ones who paid for the abortions, but the ones who never knew there was a baby! 

    We Americans are not selfish when we won't submit and surrender to wearing masks and being vaccinated "for the greater good" there is no good in the equation! It hasn't been proven, it's only been bounced about in theory on both sides of the argument. You can't find a single blind-blind study for either side that proves that there is a need to vaccinate for the virus - - it's a freaking virus, it can be cured by simple means, and the LEFT stopped our means! Literally stopped producing the chemicals needed to cheaply cure the virus and called us all conspiracy theorists even when that science was proven beyond doubt regarding the cure. The LEFT is the LEFT and will simply continue to bitch about whatever they choose to bitch about and as long as they hold the gold they think they make the rules.

    Today, with the Supreme Court ruling in Roe vs. Wade, it wasn't the LEFT that lost, it was the BABIES who won! Here's a thought, if you don't want a baby, don't have sex. If you don't want a baby, but you want to have sex, be as careful as you can be. If you can't be careful, and you still don't want that baby, adopt it out or give it to a willing and loving family who would go to the end of the world to raise a child. There are so many options - - thank you JESUS, that we as a nation can say with confidence that an unborn life is a LIFE. 

    I plant avocado seeds in every state I go to, just because I think it's a fun thing to do. I also plant sunflowers in crazy wild areas, usually around barns, and not ONE TIME has anyone said to me "Hey, I love those roses you planted by the barn" because it wasn't a ROSE that was planted.  When you plant a baby human inside the fertile uterus, a BABY HUMAN is going to be born. It's not a blob, it's not a thing, it's not an's a BABY!  Our nation will be severely judged by Almighty God one day for more than 65,000,000 unborn babies that were murdered over the years, and if you want to scream about Black Lives mattering - - more than 72% of those 65,000,000 babies were African American babies!  (Google that sh*t!)

    I for one, stand with the Supreme Court of the United States today in their decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade.  It should be understood that the American people are people who fear God and do what He commands. Judgment is real, and unfortunately, we're already in the throws of it - - the least we can do is try to ease the suffering as best we can until He returns to call us home. When that happens there won't be a single baby left on this planet for them to murder - - you don't have to Google that, you can just read your Bible - - if you have one! That's another sad statistic in our country and it's the reason we have to fight this crap in court these days. God isn't allowed in our schools, and He's not welcome in most homes, but that's another blog.  Today, our Court spoke.  Thank you!

God bless the little children - and may there be many more!!

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