Tuesday, June 21, 2022

I Found a Diary.

 When I was really young and just learning to write, I thought it was so cool that I could write something on a piece of paper and give that paper to my mom to read. She would then write me back on either the same piece of paper or another one, and we would continue our correspondence this way for a very long time. It was a fun game. I also wrote poems and stuck them on the fridge for her approval. To my amazement, she never once said it was bad or that it could even use improvement. Wow.  Imagine having someone in your life that loved everything you did. Thanks, Mom.

    I can't tell you when I started keeping a journal, I know I had several and they either got thrown away or left in a storage box. I don't know. Maybe when I'm really rich and famous mom can pull them out from where she's been storing them and she can sell them for $$$$ and make bank! LOL. Don't hold your breath Woman!!  Mom taught me to never (never) write anything down that couldn't be posted in the newspaper for everyone to read. That's some damn good advice right there.

    In 2008, I was in New York City with my dog and her manager Mike Maguire. If you need to read that last sentence again, you can. Feel free to ask...Wait, What? Your dog had a manager? Yes, she did, and she had her own attorney as well. She was a mess, but she was my wonderful mess for sure.  We were in a restaurant in NYC and a man walked up to me and began asking questions about something I had written in a blog about donations. OK. Ask.  He was trying to trap me. He was trying to say I kept the donations.  It was now up to me to prove my innocence, as far as he was concerned.  Guess where he worked? The Washington Post. The newspaper. 

    It took me a minute to find the proof for the man. I didn't live in NYC, I lived in Oklahoma City, and I didn't have the receipts and such with me. I had to wait until our tour was over, then go home, and try to find the box I had them stored in, and it was a terrible ordeal to be sure. The man was bent on ruining my reputation as well as scarring that of my dog!  Well, I found the proof, and he had to hold off on his little dirty-laundry story. Mike threatened a lawsuit for defamation of character on Faith, not on me, which I thought was hilarious. NO ONE bad-mouths the dog and gets away with it. Ask Sebastian M.  He learned the hard way, too, he and Vince V.

    The point is, I write and I blog, and I have diaries and I have journals. I leave them hanging out and laying around the house most of the time.  I don't care if anyone (you) read them because I don't lie. I don't cover things up, and I don't sugarcoat things. I say exactly the things I feel at that time. I won't go back and erase, I won't go back and apologize. That is how I felt AT THAT TIME and people who find themselves offended by my writings will literally have to get over themselves. I'm not going to say I'm sorry for having a feeling.  I can try not to make them public. I can do that.

    This morning I wrote a long long dissertation in my diary. I was trying to figure something out, and often times it helps to write it down and do the whole Pro/Con thing with my mind.  I usually come to a few logical conclusions and I'll even admit that there are times I am WAY WAY off mark, and that's not always a bad thing. There are times I'm really very happy to be wrong. When I am wrong, I am the first to raise my own hand to take the blame and/or responsibility, but you'll never see me do that if I'm right. NOPE...you'll die a slow death before you see me admit wrongdoing if I am right. I may help you through your agony over it, but I'm not going to compromise my correctness. Sorry. It's who I am. I don't have to gloat, I rarely gloat in fact, but I won't "take it back". I'll work you through it.

    I saw a funny t-shirt today that made me laugh. It said, "If you don't like me, and still watch everything I do, then let's face it, you're a fan."  So true. The same could be said about (you) people right now who are reading my blog after claiming they can't stand me. OK, so why are they (you) reading my blog? Do you think I'll say something about you? I may. You should read my diary instead. It's really where the juicy stuff is anyway.  Just sayin'.


Photo Credit: Boldomatic.com



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