Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Muscle v. Fat (It's REAL)

 I can't even begin to tell you how hurt and upset I was when I stood on the scale the other day and saw the number that represents the amount of weight I weigh in pounds! I'm going to start referring to my weight in either Kg or in stones because it really is so much lower than the number I saw; the number that was burned into my brain! AGONY!  Oh my goodness, I was upset. I actually sat on the bed crying and I was mostly upset about it because I had been (and have been) both really careful on my intake of calories and the output of energy through walking, dancing, riding my bike, boxing, you name it, I do it - - I jump rope, I climb, hike, ride horses too. About the only thing I can't do is run or jog because of my right knee being so useless, but there I was in absolute disgrace and tears after stepping from the scales. How could that be true?  I'll tell you how it's true. Muscle weighs so much more than fat.

    I know people say that, they say muscle weighs more than fat, but I thought really they were just saying that to make their friends feel better when they were asking "Do I look fat in these jeans?" You know, it was something or is something people say to be nice really, not making a show of the fact that they really wanted to say "You could stand to put the ice cream bar down and pick up a dumbbell every now and again." The problem with that would be that I've given up the ice cream and I've been working out so I don't get it!!  Now, I get it.

    After researching it for real, and then going back over it again, I can tell you with both confidence and authority that muscle really does weigh more than fat!  You can't say a pound of muscle is the same as a pound of fat without realizing that the measure you mentioned is the same...it's a POUND. A pound of feathers weighs the same as a pound of lead. A pound is a pound is a pound.  A cup of fat however weighs so much less than a cup of dense muscle. I just didn't realize how much more muscle actually weighed until I sat my dermatologist down and asked her to dig out her college manuals to show me! It didn't do her any good to try and convince me with her head knowledge. She's incredibly smart, but I wanted to see it in writing! Something about it being in print made it more real I suppose.  There it was!! 

    Basically, the example given in the textbook was that two people of the same sex could be the same height and weight but one could wear a dress size or jean size much larger than the other due to the fluffy fat content of their body.  The more fit person, whose muscles are dense and compact, would and could wear clothes that are much smaller. The example was that of two women both 45 years of age, standing 5'5" and weighing 150 pounds.  One woman wore a size 14 dress and the other wore a size 6 dress. WOW...that makes so much more sense now, and I had to pack away the tissue because I'm no longer crying about it. I am also no longer wearing a size 18 dress or jeans. I'm wearing a size 12 and on my way to wearing a size 10. I weigh more now than I did a year ago, a lot more. I weigh 14 pounds more, an entire stone more than I did a year ago. I thought it was supposed to go down to my "goal weight" but it didn't. I'm on my way to my goal size instead.

    When all is said and done, maybe in about 3 months or so, I will be in my size 8 jeans if I can find a way to get rid of the belly fat.  The hardest part of the entire body transformation is this belly! I'm doing literally everything I can to reduce it. I'm doing aerobic training, I'm taking raspberry ketones, I'm drinking green tea, using all the right methods - - it's coming off but so so so slowly. I may end up resorting to having surgery to get rid of the visceral fat I can't control or shed. I have been battling this for years and it may be time to call in the professionals. I'm doing all I can before that happens, but I won't let it stand in my way of meeting my personal goals.  NOPE.

    I did notice that I'm lifting weights while I watch YouTube videos. That's something I never did before. I am also walking upward and over 7 miles a day for the most part. I always do 5.5 miles, but I push for the last 1.5 if I can.  I used to be really happy with 3 miles a day. Now I think that's slacking off and I get that before noon. When you're working toward a goal you put in the work or you don't. It's either yes or no. To not do it to the fullest is to say no. It's do or don't do for me. You don't have to be this way, it's just me, but that's the way I've always been. Yoda and I see things the same way. Do or don't do, there is no try.

    OK that's about it for now, I'm about 30 minutes behind in my walking today but there was a huge rain storm, so there's that. Usually, when that happens I go to the store to walk, but we couldn't get out of the driveway to even do that!! Oh well, it is what it is. There's always another way to get the body moving. I can dance!  My poor neighbors. They know when I'm up here working out and punching the bag and they know when I'm dancing. At least I'm smiling when we pass each other in the commons!!

Photo Credit:  Real Mentor

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