Monday, June 6, 2022

Press On Pop Off! (Nails)

 If you're anything like me you have really poor nails for being a woman, and that sucks. It really does. I can't catch a real break where that is concerned so what I do is fake it. I decided today to go to the store and try Press-On nails. I think the name of the brand is L.A. Color. They're awesome, but they don't work for me. I gave it a go! I really did. I read the instructions even though I knew exactly what to do.  I used the little prep cloth they give you; I was just so prepared. Alas, no matter how girly I want to be from time to time (and usually only from time to time) I can't keep nails on my fingertips to save my life. I even bought the shorter ones so as to lessen the chances of them being caught on something. NOPE...within 15 minutes of having the set in place, I lost the right-hand middle finger nail just by pulling on my shoes! 

    Usually, I can't keep the nails because I have to feed horses which means I have to carry buckets, lift large bags, shovel hay and do a lot of bumping around in the barn. I can keep my own nails but I have to have them really short. Even when you saddle a horse you can't do it with nails if they have a tendency to pop off every time you lift the saddle pads, lift or cinch a saddle, move things around, unlatch and unsaddle. I deal with bridles, bits, you name it, it can happen just because the nail catches on a single strand of horse hair from brushing out the tail! Anything goes in the barn, but the first things to go will usually be the pretty press-on nails. If you do get the gel nails from the salon you take a chance of really hurting yourself! OUCH!  Not worth it. I just tend to cut my own nails short and try to color them a couple of times a week. Pooey.

    Today, I thought since I don't have horses anymore (my daughter still does) I can probably try it again. You know, be a girl!  Nope. I'm not allowed to be one I guess. I did everything I was supposed to do, but like I said, just pulling on my tennis shoe (using my fingers to pull the heel up over my foot in the back) led to a nail coming straight off and that can only mean that the rest of them will find their way to the floor soon enough. I bet when I take a steamy bath tonight I'll find floaters. The instructions on the box tell you to be careful with using hot water as it can tend to loosen the glue. You're not supposed to try and pop them off by yourself, that could hurt, but the water softens them, and then if you use your hands for more than waving at folks, you're gonna lose nails left and right. 

    I think what I'll do is go do the gel nails again at the salon since I don't have a horse. It will cost more, but at least I won't have seven good nails and three stupid-looking fingers without nails attached to them. You can tell I'm right-handed as I tend to lose those nails first. My left hand can look prettier for a bit longer until I do laundry or something and they get tied up on the bed sheets or towels. I think the funniest way I have ever lost one (that I remember) is when I was trying to put the Christmas tree up and I got my nail stuck in the slot where you put the branch into the base. I was literally attached to the tree and had to ask my son to help me.  I never claimed to be brilliant.

    That's it, sort of a short blog really - - just me complaining that I can't keep nails on my hands. I don't know why I would even want them either; I can't type as well with nails, and I sure as heck can't text very well. I end up using the balls of my fingertips rather than my nails and it takes more time and I make more mistakes. Why is it again that I think it would be cool to be all girly-girl? I have no idea. I should just accept the fact that some of us (Me) are more of the Tom Boy type and just move forward. If you remember Scout Finch from "To Kill a Mockingbird" you'll know who I am -- no, I'm not actually the actress that plays Scout.  I act a lot like Scout. I have always acted and/or behaved a lot like that little girl and I can absolutely relate not only to her curiosity but her moxie as well. I don't think I would ever have called my dad by his first name, but I did climb fences, eat wild fruits, chase the boys, punch the boys if they needed it, and I would have corrected my guest if he put gravy all over his entire plate, too.

    Well, that's it for me. I'll give the salon one more try, but if I can't seem to make it work for me I'll just let it go and let it be. It's cheaper being less girly anyway.

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