Saturday, May 8, 2021

Truffles Recipe

 EASY!  Takes about 3 hours from start to finish.


1. Chocolate baking bar (4 oz)  (any flavor

2. Butter - 1 tablespoon

3. Heavy Whipping Cream - 1/3 Cup

4.  Vanilla extract - 1 cap full

YIELD:  12 - 14 small balls a little over an inch in diameter.


1. Open up chocolate bar, break it into pieces into a mixing bowl.

2. In a cup add 1/3 cup of heavy whipping cream, 1 TBS butter, 1 cap full of Vanilla

3. Heat the cream in the microwave for 1:00 minute

4. Pour the cream over the chocolate and LEAVE IT ALONE (so it can melt)

5.  Stir after two minutes, until smooth and creamy. If you need to put mix in the microwave for 20 seconds you can.

6.  Put the mix in the fridge for an hour

7. Stir the mix and put it back in the fridge for another hour

8. Take out and scoop with regular teaspoon into small scoop and either roll it in the palm of your hand, or drop it as it is into the powder sugar, sprinkles or whatever it is you're going to dip it in.

9. Roll it around in the powder or sprinkles using your fingers to form a ball

10. Set the balls on a plate and put back into the fridge for another hour or so


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