Friday, May 21, 2021

My Diatribe

 Oh yeah, it's true, Ima gonna bomblast anyone who tries to take a single word, poem, blog, book, or creative idea that I came up with and then try to either say it is their work or that it's good, but could be better if we know, changed it.  No.  You do you.  I'll do me.  I just today, minutes ago, received an email from a literary agent in New York asking me to allow her to use my image, my work(s), and my influence to get her a better position within her publishing house. She was literally trying to stroke my ego saying that by dropping my name, saying she's my agent, she could boost herself inside the house she is already a part of - - lies.  It's so openly and blatantly false, I wondered if she really thought that little of me, to think I wouldn't see through her deception, or if just wasn't all that good at hiding it.  Either way, the answer is no. I'm good.  

            Her approach was interesting, and I'll even give her a bit of credit for using my skills and talents as a way to find a special soft spot in my heart, but baby, this ain't my first rodeo, and I've been kicked a few times by the one horse I trusted; you aren't going to get into my business by telling me how pretty I am, how good I write, how talented I seem to be, and how my influence in the world of words can be a benefit for more than just myself. No, you can go out there in the big bad open market and find yourself another skinny fish, one who hasn't been used to scavenging for food, one who hasn't been tricked by stink bait, and maybe one who would follow your lure just because it's pretty and flashy. This catfish has been feeding off the mud long enough to know what dirt looks like -- I'm good. I'll let God send me food. His promises don't come dangling on an invisible line with a reel at the end. (and remember, catfish have teeth)

            My daughter Laura felt the crash and the crush of the media lures years back when she was singing both on the side and professionally.  She was approached a number of times by those agents, producers, publishers, people who wanted her sooooo badly, you know the type. Somehow, because of how they work, and who they know, they end up backstage after a show, and ask you to give them a call - - promising the world, saying it will be the best decision you ever made. Tell that to Taylor, Rhianna, Billie, and Katy -- maybe they should have stuck their foot out and stepped as hard on those types of would-be predators as my Laura - - BAM!

         She turned down the very producers who ended up fronting and pushing a world known artist just weeks later; funny how the songs they gave Laura to practice ended up with this new woman, and she claims to have written them. That was one of their assurances; you can say you wrote this or that song when in reality, they don't let you write a word of any of the songs you sing - - they allow you to think you write with their people, but they change your words, often at the last minutes saying it just wasn't feeling right. They nod and ask you if you understand? You understand, right?  Of course you do, you may understand too well, but realize a day late that you're signed on and you won't be swimming in the pond freely for a minute.

        My diatribe to the music industry, and I suppose now the writing industry is this: NO. You can't take our work and claim it is yours. You can't say we are represented by you unless of course we are represented by you. Now, if you want to write a blog about me, about us, about Laura, about anyone really, and you want to say the truth, tell people your opinion, you can do that. You can praise, you can criticize, you can trash me, I don't care - - it won't change my style, my thoughts, my writing, my mind, or anything else - - but hey, here's a thought; tell the truth. Don't go after someone who is needing money, needing to be saved, needing to be helped along, and make them a half-baked offer that barely gets them back on track, keeps them afloat just enough so they'll bend over backwards to do your bidding, and then you try and ask them to thank you massively online and when being recorded. Stroke. Stroke. Be honest.  What in the world is wrong with that? Oh, well, I just said it - - the world. 

        Laura still sings every single day. She's not recording at this point, but she's not wearing some ridiculous costume, being flown around the world, fed drugs and lured into dens of filth just to be a product for a named label either - - nope, she's playing games with friends, eating what she wants, sleeping where she wants, dancing, writing - - more writing than she to actually. She's not rich, but she's happy - how do we gauge success anyway? No one is asking her to cover up  her imperfections, or asking her (telling her) she'll be CGI'd to make her appear more commercially acceptable - - she's a catfish like her momma; happy being free and avoiding shiny objects.  A bit for the wiser, that one.

        This world has enough liars without becoming a part of their schemes. No thank you, I'll take the lumps, and even the hardships over pretty dressings and easy money; I get to keep me in the process. That's a bit more rewarding -- you understand, right? Of course you do. Maybe all too well.

Photo: Outdoor News 

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