Thursday, May 27, 2021

I Should Weigh Negative 10 by Now.

 So, it's been what, 9 months since I started the diet? This is May 27, and I started it on or around the 3rd of August, that's nearly 10 months really; wow, time flies at times, and it creeps along ever so slowly at other times.  I was absolutely sure that by this time I would have met my goal weight and would be on the wild road to maintaining my new glorious self, but that is so not the case. I mean, here's the thing, I am just about as human as the next guy; or girl. I eat, sleep, drink, exercise, cheat, fall off track, climb back into the seat of that train, motivate myself to start over, and do everything and anything possible to make the scales sing the song I'm picking to listen to. The only problem is my body is just not cooperating, and really not one of my molecules will tell me why -- they are either too busy arguing with one another, or they've just plain stopped communicating. Something is not right. I am still not there.

        I will say this, I will have to raise my hands and give praise, because today my daughter was bragging about wearing a pair of capri pants that she had stashed in her closet for a good minute. I think she wore them maybe a few years ago, but either because she couldn't find them readily, or she had gained a bit of weight, she hadn't worn them. She put them on today and was dancing around happy and all giddy saying how she couldn't believe she was even fitting in them. I looked at the pants and thought maybe they'd actually fit me.  "Take them off", I said to her bluntly. I wasn't even nice about it. "Take them off, I want to see if the fit me."  She did laugh a little, but agreed to humor me.  Slowly she removed her pants, only slightly giggling when she handed them to me, but she wasn't laughing when I pulled them up and zipped them, now was she? She was staring at me! That's exactly what she was doing, she was staring straight at me, and then more laughter broke from her face, but it was a good kind of laughing - - which caused me to spit out a few chuckles myself. Her pants fit me! This hasn't happened since - - well, no, this has actually never happened before. Nope, not once. It felt so very very good! 

        Still, I think it's fair to say that I have a few more pounds to lose, and there really isn't a reason for it not happening, not when I'm getting over 10 hours of sleep every day, I'm drinking more than 100 ounces of water every day, I absolutely watch my carb count, my calorie count, my fiber and my protein count. I'm exercising daily by walking, riding, dancing, riding the bike, going to the gym, and using my vibration plate with weights. (Obviously, I'm not doing all of those things on the same day, but I do work out and/or exercise at least 30-45 minutes solid every day) there is just no good reason for me to be over my goal weight - - and I do want there to be a complain registered wherever and to whomever it is one complains to when things like this happen!  

        Because I believe in the power of prayer,  I do make it a daily thing to go into my closet and ask Jesus for His help and I mean it, I'm not just out there begging and pleading, I'm doing my part. I am working at it, not expecting miracles but looking forward to the needed answers to my prayers. It's just that it's taking forever  - at this rate the rapture will come and there I'll be claiming I could have been perfect if I didn't have to go to Heaven and be ... you know, perfect!  Tell you what, I'll trade this old hat body for the new one any day and every way. Maranatha!!  I can't wait. Still, while on this Earth, and having to deal with the ever to present reality of being 20-25 pounds from my goal weight, I want results!!

        I've looked it up, and hitting plateaus such as mine, is a very normal thing. I know. I've read all there is to read about it. I'm a member of a few online support groups too, and we talk about it, and we do things like carb cycling, loading, fasting, and daily tracking of all that goes into my mouth - - been there done that, still doing it  - come on already!! I want to be the New Jude now, it's my turn. It will worries. I just thought I'd moan a bit. I'm over it, I'll get back to surfing the Right Move app for a new house to live in once I get to Scotland. I can't decide if I want to be closer to Edinburgh, over the Firth of Forth in the Fife (love saying that) or in between Edinburgh and Glasgow so I can shop back and forth, see the various universities, be a rail-queen and travel over and over...I don't know. I like saying I live in the kingdom, so the Fife will likely win out in the end. Either way, any way, it will be wonderful and I should be at least closer to my ideal self by October...I better be! 

Laura with Luna

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