Monday, May 17, 2021

Figs are Like Big Fat Raisins.

 I'm like the biggest fig fan that I know, and that's really tantamount to saying I'm also the biggest black licorice fan that I know, because there just aren't many of us out there. I'll even throw in beets while I'm at it.  Yeah, I said it, I went there, I'm a beet-eating, black-licorice-loving, fig-freak! I am. I could sit at my computer desk most of the day guzzling lemon water and snacking on figs but we both know where that would land me, right?  I think I may need to add a bit of cheddar in that mix to keep the playing field level. (Geez, what our bodies go through on a daily basis, just trying to figure out how to waste what all we put into it!) 

        I'm over at the Winco grocery store, in their big, beautiful, bountiful, bulk section, minding my own business; because that's what I do, when I noticed a bin (vat really) full of the most glorious blackened shriveled up pruney looking giant raisins! At first, I let my mind wander a bit, thinking "MY GOD, those were some huge grapes!", but then I realized I was looking at real live, honest-to-goodness, figs, and they were right there in front of me, in Oklahoma, just waiting to be bought and devoured. I could almost (not quite, but almost) guarantee that no one besides myself was actually going to be buying up a big fat bag of these babies - - but there are people from the Middle East in Oklahoma, so maybe one of them, (God bless you whoever you are) asked if Winco could start carrying real figs. REAL FIGS, people, really, real, and so fat, so gloriously thick and dense - - if I were laying down on my back, on a blanket, in the sun, in the Lowlands of Scotland with a kilted man, I could be a bit happier, but that's the only way it could happen. 

        Figs! People who know me know that for many years I carried Fig Newtons with me every chance I had, and that means every day of my elementary, secondary, and college years. Every day I had those little cookies in a baggie, and no, I did not share them. I wasn't impressed when they came out with other flavors either, you don't add raspberry to crush up raspberries if you want raspberry cookies. You leave the figs alone, thank you very much. Now, that being said, there is a brand of breakfast bars that does make a fairly decent fruit bar using other fruits and figs, but give me figs, give me 100% real, and hard to find figs, sans the cookies, I don't need the cookie when I have the fruit. I can just chomp on a few of them and smile throughout the day - - until it's time to eat more a little later on in the day. 

        I don't know why or when I became such a fan of the fig, but it's a thang now. I won't go to Winco without picking up a bag and I won't go out to play, ride, walk, drive, or hang out with friends for more than an hour or so without the little baggie too, but no one ever asks to share now! No one. Not one time has anyone ever said to me, "Hey Jude, is that a fig? Can I have one?"  Nope, it's like what I said about black licorice and beets; no one asks to share your booty. You are the only one who imbibes when you choose to eat foods that no one else would really be interested in  -  Oh, like PARSNIPS! Best kept secret out there! (Figs aren't a secret, everyone knows about them, but no one cares. I care)

        Well, that's it folks, not much to see here, just a girl and her fig. Have a great one! I hope your "go" is as good as mine, and you have the best belly possible - - no dang wonder I smile all the time. I've got this! Thank you, God. You knew.

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