Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Masks DO NOT WORK - - Truth

 Up to now, I've basically just stated my opinion to myself, to friends, to people who may or may not specifically ask me what my opinion is on masks, but now I really do have to make a stand publicly and say that the blue (non-surgical) masks that most people are wearing, as well as most (if not all) of the homemade cloth masks simply do not protect anyone (you, me, or the next person) from either COVID-19 or any other virus that may be floating around in the air. You know it, even if you don't want to admit it, you know it. It says so RIGHT ON THE BOX.

Doctors and pharmacists (even the "famed" Dr. Fauci) have stated that the best masks available may work about 4-8% of the time; but they are not capable of being both breathable and protective. For instance, an N95 type ventilator mask can and will protect you from droplets (virus) flying through the air if and ONLY IF they are more than .3mb in size, which they are not. In fact, they are so much smaller and so much more apt to get through, that wearing the masks gives these little virus drops a place to land and stay for a while. You think you're protecting yourself, but all you're doing is putting the ugly, smelly, nasty rag back on your face hours later after you've touched it 1000 times with both hands, laid it down on the counter tops, or maybe even lost it between the seats of your car! They are NOT working and they have never worked. WHY are people so apt to claim they do? It's so frustrating from a humanity point of view to see so many idiots without a single working cell in their brains when it comes to this issue. Oh, these same people will tell you to stop smoking, stop drinking sugared water, stop eating too many saturated fats - - they know those things are bad for you. THE MASKS ARE BAD FOR YOU. (You know they are, start refusing to wear them!)

I am one of those rebels, I suppose. I bring the mask with me (a green bandana I cut in half so it's only 1/2 thick when I tie it around my face), I put it on, pull it up over my nose, enter the building, the store, the whatever, and then I pull the bandana down both from my nose and my mouth. I don't put it up again unless someone says something. No one says anything to me because they KNOW!  The ONE time someone said something I told them I have asthma, which I do, and they said "OK!" and they walked away. Listen, you may have asthma NOW because you're killing yourself by bringing these bacteria(s) into your lungs. STOP THE MADNESS.  Start refusing to comply.  When we all do so they must stop.

The mandate was for 15 days remember? Then 30, then 60, and now because the election is just around the corner, they feel that they need to keep Americans (and the world really) held hostage behind a flimsy piece of cloth to comply with their mandate of breaking us as citizens. They want us downtrodden, they want us begging for stimulus checks. They want us dependent so they can rule us with an iron fist - - STAND YOUR GROUND, say no. You do that by simply pulling the masks down.

Watch.  November 4 the EMERGENCY will go away. The URGENCY and MANDATE will end. Will the world follow us? Probably. It's been the most ridiculous mess and we only have ourselves to blame if we don't fight for what we personally know to be truth.  SURE, there is a virus, and it is killing people, so yes, if you're sick stay home. If you want to wear a mask do so, but don't ask anyone else to do so. Don't put your life and the lives of your children, family, loved ones, friends, community, in danger because of politics. It's just not the purpose we were created for. It's not. You know this. It's time you stand up too.

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