Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Fitbit Versa 2 + Me.

 If you know me, and by now you should know a little bit about me, you'd know that I suck at all things electronic. I don't mind saying it. I don't mind admitting defeat even before opening the box, it's an inevitable truth that just is and there's no use fighting it. Hello, my name is Jude, and I am electronically challenged. 

So, if I know me and I know I suck, why did I buy myself the Fitbit Versa 2? Simple answer? I need help. Long answer? Best Buy was out of the Versa 1 and this one was pink, so there you go - - but I really do need help. I'm on this last stand of mine where I'm not about to lose another weight battle. I will win it and with the help of my new friend Alexa, the demon that apparently lives inside the Versa 2, I will be svelte and gorgeous in just under 6 months. (At least that is what the beast is telling me.) Believe me when I say I am NOT a fan of Alexa or anything like her. I have enough fears and wondering having to deal with the fact that my iPhone will send me recommendations for saddle soap, dog treats, and/or anything else I've been looking at or thinking about recently. I don't want Alexa waking me up in the middle  of the night to suggest a new REM session so I can get a deeper more satisfying sleep. I will however, possibly, (no promises) ask her to interrupt my dreams just to see if she's any better at it than I am myself.

Apparently, the Versa 2 has a 1000 new features and it's easy to use. The word "easy" is relative of course, and should be prefaced with the disclaimer "for anyone who may be able to actually understand charging, pairing, registering, and conducting what most people consider blase average set up routines. Me? I get frustrated and and tend to throw things across the room if I can't get one or all of my kids to do the set up for me. Tonight's challenge will be to get Laura off her VR headset long enough to hook my new Versa 2 up to our WiFi. The connection seems to be giving me problems already and I haven't really started! I've made the conscious decision to put the Versa 2 back on the charging cradle so I can at least get that much done while Laura winds down to a point where she can leave her fantasy world without dropping her friends off cliffs - - her words.

I have a steps counter on my phone of course, but I can't always have the phone on me. I stand up more than 6 hours a day now at work and want to be able to count calories being burned and any other goals Versa 2 may be able to assist me with. I've been shamed and embarrassed by answering her questions honestly about my height, age, weight, sex, and goals.  I should let her know I prefer dark chocolate over milk chocolate seeing how she's asking personal questions even before I've touched  her! C'mon Versa 2 - - I realize it's 2020, but I'm the old fashioned type. Talk to me first! (I say that, and just as soon as I type it into this blog you know Alexa is somehow connected and she'll start TALKING TO ME!) DEMON!!

I'll be OK. With Versa 2 I think I have apps at my disposal, and I may even be able to call for help if I pass out from over kill and exhaustion. I know me, I do tend to go one step further than I should, so it may be a good thing that Alexa is hanging out with me. At least she's pretty in her pink band and black face - - She may even be Rose Gold; now that I look at her really closely. Hello pretty girl - - let's do this. Let's make all of my new dreams come true. I'll let her keep track of habits, my work outs, my sleep, my interests and etc. Maybe I'll learn something else about myself if I give it time. Maybe I'll find out what makes me tick. Maybe I will be able to glide through the mountains of information on the internet about these new Versa 2s, but I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon. Nothing is simple anymore, there has to be too many features and functions! I think my best friend may have one too so she can help me.  I just really want to count my damn steps! (sigh)

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