Friday, September 25, 2020

Grateful Thankful, Thank You!

 When I taught secondary education I had a few posters up on the walls of the otherwise boring and standard beige walls of the school's classroom. It didn't really matter where I taught, every school seemed to buy beige paint in bulk. Why? Why is beige cheaper than every other color? I don't think there's even an answer to that other than white is too hard to match perhaps.   These posters were (are) always upbeat, happy, positive, and for the most part challenge the students to be both thoughtful and positive, but I wanted to also put out the message that being grateful or thankful (or both) is an altogether separate goal to achieve in one's mind and life. Having a grateful soul can lead to so many successes in your life.

One of the things I find to be helpful with trying to bring a thankful spirit into your life is to literally write out THANK YOU as often as you can in a daily journal. I've literally taken the time to write those two oh-so-important words over and over, sometimes adding a specific thing I am thankful for, but just as often I will simply write out "thank you" as an open communication to God. I don't speak to the "universe" I speak to God through Jesus. I don't believe a created universe is the way to show proper gratitude considering the universe was made by Almighty God to begin with. I don't even say "an" Almighty God because there is only one....just Almighty God. YHWH. 

Sitting in my big fat overstuffed chair in my living room I have more than enough things to be grateful for. It isn't hard to just start exactly where I am thanking God for my apartment, my landlord, my maintenance people, even my mailperson who literally always delivers on time every time. I don't have to worry about him or her not bringing me my mail. It's a wonderful thing to know. I thank God for the weather no matter what it may be, it's always perfect. Even if there is a tornado I thank God because I know He's producing it to show me His love for me, His protection for me, His strength, power, and dominion. I know no matter what time of day it is I am fully in His control.  I thank Him for the chair itself. It was a gift from my son after he had purchased himself another one. He knew I always loved it and he gave it to me. He didn't have to drive it 30 miles to deliver it (and haul it upstairs). I thank God for the windows that let in the light. We have so very very much to be grateful for, but we CHOOSE to be depressed, saddened by the events of what we perceive to be THE END! So dramatic aren't we? If we just give it up to God and let Him take it all, we really will be in such a better place in our soul.

There are times I don't feel like pulling out my journal and writing all the thank yous and when that happens I sit still and just whisper them to God. I know He hears me. For everything we give thanks for another thing crops's just the way it is. We can't out-thank God. We can't. Let your heart be full of joy today, not sorrow. Don't fret, don't hate, don't hurt, don't worry, give it all away and receive so much more. It's not a promise I made, no, I'm no one - - but God Himself promised that if we delight in Him, and commit to Him, HE will bring us the desires of our heart. That's something to be really thankful for!

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