Sunday, September 6, 2020

I'm the Only Me I Could Ever Be - I am ENTJ.


You've all met them (us). You know we're out there. Though the Myer Briggs Personality traits offer 16 different types of people, those of us who are forever deemed to be ENTJ make up only 3% of the entire population.   ENTJs make up ONLY 4% of the entire population, but get this, female (me) ENTJs only make up 1.7% of the same worldwide population. Male ENTJ outnumber the female by a ratio of 3:1 making the female ENTJ the rarest of the 16 types; so of course, I am one of them. I have to be unique (she giggles). One does not simply choose one's personality traits nor does one choose which Myer Briggs personality one will be saddled with.  This being said, I am absolutely satisfied and content being an ENTJ and welcome every bit of criticism anyone and everyone can bring to me due to this fact. (You can't see me smiling right now, but that's what I do when someone inadvertently tells me I need to stop this or that behavior, or that I need to be more like so-and-so. I am NOT so-and-so. I am me! I am Jude. I am the ONLY person God Himself determined to make when He made me. God doesn't make mistakes. 

I don't know when the Myer Briggs test was created or even why really, but I do remember the day I had to take the test to find out exactly who I was and why I was behaving the way I was behaving. Apparently, my behavior was upsetting my divorce judge to the point that every time she tried to sanction me, I would correct her either with the actual law(s) or what I logically perceived the law(s) to be. She had basically had about enough of me when she nearly held me in contempt for speaking out of line. I remember her saying "Are you an attorney? Are you a judge? Do you know the law?" My answer was swift, hard-hitting, and deadly accurate, I forcefully pointed my index finger at her and retorted "NO, but you are the judge and SHOULD know it. I shouldn't have to tell you what it says!"  (By the grace of God, I was not thrown in jail.) With that, she ordered me (and my ex-husband for that matter) to take the Myer Briggs test before she would proceed with the hearing.  

Eleven days had to pass before I was scheduled to take the over four-hour test. I remember there were more than 500 questions asking the same type of questions over and over in different ways to see how you would answer and it really pissed me off. I remember thinking that I had already answered these same questions and once should be enough! This too, is part of the personality trait of the Commander, the ENTJ. It brings to mind the saying "Dammit, I told you I loved you once, and if that changes, I'll let you know!"  I remember another issue I had with the test being so long and drawn out; I remember thinking I could have created a more effective and efficient test. This too is a trait of the ENTJ. A trait I apparently have - in spades. 

So, what then do we know about the traits of our own personality? We know enough to answer questions that will lead the "experts" to tell us precisely which personality we are. Being born a Scorpio in the Year of the Ox doesn't make me an ENTJ, but there has to be a bit of an influence in there somewhere because as a Scorpio woman who tends to be earthy, stubborn, and traditional, I find that commanding those around me, those in need of assistance and mostly those who seem lost, just comes naturally to me. I have always been a leader and I have always been outspoken. I am not going to shy away, back down, give up, or quit because frankly, I don't think I should and I never truly put much stock in those who do. I am beyond stubborn at times, in fact, it's senseless to argue with me because I won't allow myself to be wrong and therefore any attempt to prove I am mistaken could be devastating to the person trying. I can concede that I may have come to the wrong conclusion, but it was probably brought on by false intel due to the fact that I just couldn't possibly be mistaken. (Are you beginning to understand now?) 

Being an ENTJ has opened so many doors for me; by that I mean I am not afraid of opening locked doors.  I will step up and take charge if needed and I will follow anyone who knows where they are going, but the instant they show fear or doubt I am likely to ask them to step aside until such time they can either regain their confidence or become a good follower. I won't be misled because it leads to trouble I can't afford.  I am (because I am an ENTJ) quick to make decisions and loyal to the bone. I won't have an enemy because they are needless, I either slaughter them or walk away from them, not keeping them around to be a problem. I defend to the end and I sacrifice everything for others because that's what a good leader does. We don't lead ourselves! We lead OTHERS! We lift up others. We push others. We create good for others. Doing so for ourselves is a given, it's service to others that make us get out of bed each day.  

Are there good points to being an ENTJ? Sure!  We are HIGHLY creative and organized. We take care of business like no other. We train better than most and can see far enough into the future through using logical predictions to know what to plan, how to plan, why we plan, and then we decide on a plan just before we implement said plan. There will be a plan. There is always a plan.  We also count our blessings. We are the one trait that realizes loss is inevitable and we will suffer it. We try to limit said loss, but we are quick to evaluate and restore ourselves after a great defeat.  

WHAT made me want to share this information about myself? Because there are those who see us (ENTJ) as people who can change and we cannot. We are mostly immovable, but that's a good thing. This means we will be quite predictable in our behavior.  You'll never have to wonder where you stand because we will flat out tell you. We will be sure you understand where you stand at all times. Devotion, love, protection, and loyalty are our gifts to everyone else. We may not seem flexible,  but we are certainly dedicated and forthcoming. You want to do something, get something done, be at the top of YOUR game? Find an ENTJ to help you.  

Now, how may I serve you today? 


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