Sunday, September 13, 2020

Making the Bed - Not Happening

 I only know a few people who will admit that they get out of bed and one of the first things they do is either make it up or change the sheets and then make it up before they go to work so they can say they've achieved something. They say it starts their day off correctly, and they feel positive the rest of the day. NOPE! If I were any more positive when I wake up people would shoot me. Can't have that. 

From the second the alarm goes off (and it doesn't matter if it's during the week or on the weekend) I have an 8-10 minute routine that includes dressing, taking Ginger out for her walk, coming back inside to give the dogs and cats their treats, making coffee, cleaning up any mess Laura has left in the kitchen (as the kitchen is my domain) and once all that is done I have journal time! Ten minutes of prep, walking, treating, and coffee-making is achievement enough.  If I took time to make the bed the dogs would mess it up before journal time was over. There's simply no need.

Journal time cannot and will not be shortened or interrupted by anyone, anything, or any event other than perhaps the rapture. I will not complain if Jesus comes back during journal time. Albeit, if He does come back during journal time I won't have time to write about His coming back, so what I do, to cover that base, is to write about the potential of Jesus coming back at any moment so that when He does come back (and He will soon) those who break into my house to steal my things after the rapture comes (please, feed the animals) will find my latest journal (I have over 130) and they'll no doubt pick it up off the floor where it has fallen and read about the fact that I don't ever make my bed. Why should I make a bed I alone sleep in anyway? Maybe if I had a man sleeping next to me I would attempt to make it up so he thinks I've achieved something, but then again, I'm not inclined to give a damn if anyone else thinks I've accomplished anything - - I am my own person. I care. If I don't care, I don't care. (Still, it would be nice to roll over and find a bearded handsome man laying in my bed - - at least he was there in my dreams, does that count? Oh, and in my dreams, he doesn't care if I make up the bed or not. He's really cool like that.)

I like a really cold house too, so when I sleep I can cuddle the covers and be toasty (with dogs) and maybe hang a foot out the bottom of the sheets and covers to regulate the temperature. If you make a bed up correctly (I'm told since I never really do it) you have to tuck in the corners of the sheets and if I do that I'd struggle with my toes poking out to keep me regulated. There would be a fight every night pushing and pulling, tugging, and wrestling with the sheets. I might disturb the dogs and in our family, you just don't disturb the dogs. No, rather than making up the bed in the morning (afternoon, evening, or night) I simply throw the covers over the middle of it, sort of giving it a tug, and expect the animals to burrow, nest, or dig through the mass of covering, keeping it all warm for when I return! Better plan.

If I want to feel as if I have achieved something I'll do something! I am not above taking a 2-3K walk in the morning, cleaning out a closet or learning a foreign language, but there's just no way (unless there's a man involved) that I'm going to take the time to make up a bed.  I would only do it if the man had some sort of an issue wherein if I didn't make up the bed he couldn't get on with his day. I would do that. I would help him out if he needed it. I am actually a fairly nice soul...when I try.

OK...I feel so much better now that I've said that, and I'll just be going to the big chair now to write about it in my journal. I write some of the most mundane things imaginable in those journals. One day someone will find them and think they've found a treasure trove of interesting details about life so full and inspirational only to find out that I've been writing about students, co-workers, kids, dogs, cooking, finding a cool rock on the sidewalk, or a tooth that's been bothering me. Oh well, at least if I do NOTHING else of a day, I've walked the dog, treated the animals, made coffee, and wrote in my journal! Life is good. 

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