Sunday, September 20, 2020

Let the Torture Begin!!!

 Yes! Yes! I have again, (yes, again) joined a gym and this time I think it may last a lot longer than the last two gyms I've joined. Though the YMCA was just steps from my house I thought it was for the employees and relatives of employees of the hospital which it shares a partnership with. The hospital is also only steps from my house so at least if I do die or fall off a machine of some sort I won't have far to travel to be put back together!  Go YMCA! The Y is huge, open, airy, full of great torture devices and it has dance studios upstairs. It even has a BAR...oh wait, that's barre. It has a barre. LOL. I can pretend to be a ballerina! I can't wait.

This particular Y is situated literally across from the Baptist Medical Center, or Integris Baptist, as they call it now. It will forever be Baptist Hospital to me. My three children were born there; Reuben and Caity had the same doctor, the same nurses, and the same delivery room! This Y is huge but it doesn't have a pool, nor does it have any hot tubs or sauna - which is a drawback, but it also doesn't have loud stupid music blasting through it's pipes to distract me from listening to my loud awesome music blasting through my earpiece. Nothing is more annoying than trying to crank up .38 Special in your ear while trying to ignore some boy band from the turn of the 21st Century! This Y has a patronage of mostly older people and that actually attracts me to it because I won't have to walk around giddy girls in their tight spandex or put up with overbearing power lifters dropping tons of weight every 30 seconds trying to show off what they believe is interesting. It's not interesting.  Do you, be you.  If YOU are that guy, you are not interesting.

There's a row machine, bikes, treadmills, and the standard course of machines that you work to pump up the muscles of course, but there is also a set of pulls, rings, a climbing rope, naval ropes to pump, weighted poles, boxing bags, an indoor track, and an outdoor track as well. This weight is coming off, let the toning begin! I've already picked out my new wardrobe which means Caity will need to find another one. I plan on raiding her closet around the first of the year. She won't mind and I'll be in style for the first time in probably many years - - I know I will be. I'll even let her do my make up so we can go out dancing to ring in the new year! 

Goals set. Goals will be met. There are no other options. There are no other outcomes. So let it be written in my soul, so let it be done! Bring it. I'll post as I dwindle and bulk.

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