Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Nick Posh Series ( The Plan )

     I've been planning the Nick Posh thriller series for well over twenty years, it's just I never had time to write any of them until more recently. I also didn't know how it would turn out. I didn't know I could write, edit, design, and publish for virtually free, and if I had known that, believe me, I would have started a long time ago.  As it is, I've only been publishing my own books for right at a year. The first Nick Posh book, "MURDER BOOK", was in fact the first book I wrote, edited, designed, and then published on my own. I love that. It could be improved, no doubt, but it is my baby - - I'll live with it.

    What I did today, was to think about the end of the series. I've written four of the ten books and I now know what the other titles will be, what will happen basically.  I'm working on growing them organically to work within the system; meaning, they'll relate to one another in some way.  This way readers can pick up on cues and be familiar with different things that happen, as well as the staple characters in most if not all of the books. 

    Obviously, Nick is a character in all of the books. His friends are mentioned, worked with, played with, and involved. His family of course, will be the books but there will be so much more. He's the hero, but that doesn't mean he won't be bumped around a bit - he will be. He has been. For now, it's good to know that I'm focusing on the 10 books which will be the Nick Posh Thrillers, that way I have a goal and I can meet it. I like setting and meeting goals - - it's very important to me.

    The next book is "CASK". I won't tell you what it's about, but it will take place in America, France, and there will be a time when Nick dips into London, and he takes the train up to Edinburgh for a weekend with his friends. The next book after that is "KINGDOM". It will, by default, take place in The United Kingdom - - all over it. The next book is "SHADOW" and will find Posh back in the United States. I won't say where but it's a very dark place.

    After that, I'll write "DEATH MASK", it will be another American tale, taking place in Texas, but I won't say where or who is involved. There is a cattle drive; I can tell you that, and we'll visit our old friend Dennis Rockford! Won't that be fun?  If you know, you know.  Following "DEATH MASK" I have two more books - - "TULSA" and the last will be "THE DANCE".  With both books, Nick remains in the United States; he makes phone calls to Edinburgh, and Eoghan visits during "SHADOW"; they work together in that one as well as "KINGDOM".

    With "TULSA", Nick is treated to the hospitality of a great oilman, a geologist who hails from Norman, Oklahoma, and who attended the University of Oklahoma. He buys into the rich soils of Green Country and finds himself waist-high in a murder-for-hire plot - not realizing he's been played. You'll like it. I am already writing it in the back of my mind, and can't say much more than it's slick...very slick.  The last book in the series takes place on the West Coast, and around, in and out of the Bay Area. It's not really about a dance -- but the dance of racing; both horse and dog racing.

    You'd be surprised how many vile things take place under the guise of animal parimutuel betting. I say you'd be surprised; you may not be. I wasn't when I dug into it. I expected to see what I saw - not surprised at all! And that's it -  the 10 books will be finished by December 2025 I imagine. That's the plan anyway. I should have "CASK" and "Kingdom" out by this December (2024). I have two other books I'm writing as well; books that are not Nick Posh books - both dramas. I can't tell you about them yet, but I will - - I will. I promise.

    The other plan this summer is to get all of my books into EPub format and uploaded onto Amazon as Ebooks. They will be cheaper and hopefully I can do that without too much trouble. I'm reading about it starting next week, and I'll work on the files over the next month or so. It's a June plan...and yes, I'm writing the first of the dramas about the middle part of June to about August so, I may only get one of the Posh books out this year. We'll see. I hope I can make it happen, but I also have to work and breathe. I do promise to keep you posted. I know I can promise that.

    I just bought the last little tartan book to write and take notes for the last two Posh books. Each notebook has 2 books worth of notes - - except Shadow, it has its own - - it needed its own. Just saying. It's going to be a plot twister. I love the heck out of these little books, I'm telling you. Did you know they've been around for a very long time - about 100 years or so, and many great authors you'd recognize used them to do exactly what I am doing with them. I would love to run across one in an antique store some day - what a find.

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