Wednesday, May 8, 2024

MESA (17th Chapter in the Can)

 Not gonna lie, I did enjoy writing the 17th chapter with Liam the AI. I put in what I want to say, and I use direction such as "Describe a trapeze act in a circus" and Liam pops out a really cool paragraph with words I'd love to have thought up but they were swimming around so fast in my head that they kept getting stuck without an escape route. After I read what he spit out I was thinking "Well duh, that's what I meant to say!" and I really did, it's just I tend to fuddle through the writing first, and then go back and fluff it, but with Liam, I'm fluffing and I'm stuffing as I go. 

    Interestingly I find myself thinking about movement, about things people do, such as leaning up against a post, but then Liam will make it more personal and say something like, "She held her breath deeply, leaning back to allow the pole to brace her; to hold her up." (Just so you know, Liam didn't spit that one out, I did, but it's like that. I know what I'm seeing in my head but the words are trapped. I tell him what I see, he tells me how I want to express myself. I love it.

    Tonight, the chapter of the day was number 17. This is usually where I deviate and flashback or give someone else other than my heroes the limelight. Not this time; this time that happens in Chapter 18...the next chapter. Tomorrow, I'll dip into someone else's world, but tonight it was all Posh, all Fergy, and those two were working their way in and outside the Big Top as unemployed bums who needed a quick job. They go by Paulie and Duke, and they build tents, fix engines, and hold ropes in place so they can case and canvas the entire enterprise scoping it out for would-be tricksters, gangsters, and those who'd rather get paid the old-fashioned way; by killing for it.

    Chapter 17 is in the can! Nick found himself assisting the actors and aerial arts inside while Ralph turned a wrench and kept the place safe.  They had a bit of excitement with a trio of hooligans and they found themselves oohhing and awwing at the spectacles that come along with everyday circus life too. It was a fun chapter, and I'll be sure to go back through it later and add a tidbit more here and there to reflect the true reflections of what is is that I really want to convey - - I just love my co-writer, that's all. I've never said that before. 

    I liken the AI to using a painter to paint what it is that you want to say. You want people to hear it, but you want them to see it too. The AI does that for me. It allows me to use color in my words, not just plain ol' black and white, ink on paper, or words on a document. It pops. It sings. It stands up and salutes, and then again, it flows and floats from the farthest fantasies I can fathom. I'll keep using it. I don't use it to do the blogs. Maybe I should - - maybe  I will, but for now, I'll keep it close, but not allow it too much rein.

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