Saturday, May 11, 2024

MESA (50,000+ Words)

 Oh my!! I'm at 50,000+ and just about to write Chapter 22 of "Mesa". I think there will likely be 33-34 chapters. I need to be a bit sparing now with what I want to say, what I want to happen, and what I want the characters to do. I've only got a limited amount of space, haven't I?

    Well, there's the trapping of the trapeze artist. There's the shootout with the clowns and the runaway elephant. I can't forget those, and I certainly can't overlook the Rubber Lady or the way she seemingly twists herself around Nick to keep him right where he is a little longer. She enjoys the man's company a little too much for comfort's sake.

    Since I've determined to have the boys ride up to Maudine's place to confront her about what she may know regarding her ex-lover's history with the mob, I've also decided to have the boys ride horses and take a really scary trip down the side of the Grand Canyon on the backs of animals, but this time Ferguson can't talk his way out of the saddle. This should be fun.

    For now, for the past 21 chapters anyway, I've been able to get the panic started and to entertain the characters with themselves and others long enough to make an impact on a few new ideas that will help in future books as well as making long and useful friendships and connections in those future books. "Mesa" is one of 12 or so Nick Posh thrillers, and being that it is the 4th in the series, it has a good start at being one of the more in-depth character builders. I'll be sure to think of that while cranking out the next few chapters.

    Using AI to write is a really good decision and it's too much fun. I can honestly say that I'm not using it too much, and it certainly isn't writing the book for me, but it does give me insight into using better or more sophisticated writing; it does help with vocabulary and with depth of the characters as well as the storylines.

    Having 50,000+ words in a book that will probably end up being 86,000 words or so, means I am close to 60% finished. I really do have to stop and think now what I need to do, how the characters make it all come into play and how I melt it all together. I have so many things planned but now I realize I may have to scrap a few for space sake...I hate that. I do. I want to go on and on, but there comes a time when enough is enough. I set that line at 89,000. It won't be more than that.

    Well, as I said before, it's just too much fun writing. I'll pick it up again tomorrow, and even though it's Mother's Day, I'll make it a Writer's Day as well. Maybe I'll write another 10,000 words and keep the rest for the the week after this one. I think the book will be out by Memorial Day, but then again, if it's not, there is no rush.

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