Sunday, May 12, 2024

MESA (60,000 Words Written)

     This being Mother's Day, and with all my motherly duties, I wasn't sure if I would have a chance to write today or not but I did. I have and I did. I wrote about 10,000 words I guess, and it looks as if I have written three chapters today, but let's be honest, with an average of way over the 2500 words per chapter, I did a bit of writing today!!

    The boys are out of the desert and up in Chicago now, where they have chased a few good leads taking them right to the front doorsteps of two very powerful gangsters. We'll find out if they chose to speak to the underground bosses or just keep a good strong eye out for whatever may take place. I'm sure Posh will be there to keep Ferguson in check; we all know Ralph can be a bit of a hothead when he gets too close or too excited about something.

    It's time to get more nitty-gritty and to describe more of the operations of the mobsters who held court back in the day. with a bit of truth mixed in with a bit of history and rumor, the men will find themselves creatively luring their suspect to more of an even playing field before taking him down or seeing him skip; I can't tell you which, that would be too much of a giveaway.

    For now, we know that Posh and Ferguson are holding their own in the biggest way possible; having survived a massive dust storm and the clinches of the Rubber Lady; we know the boys can do just about anything they set their minds to. It just takes a bit of elbow grease on a wing and a prayer. They've got it covered.

    This is the downslide -- I am 3/4 finished, which means I have the climax to go, as well as the resolution. I'll take a few days to plan them both out and to finish the writing portion of the book before going through it at least 3 times to get the spelling corrected as well as the grammar and editing. I will promise anyone and everyone that I won't manage to get it all. There will be mistakes, and I'm OK with a few, it's when I have 100 that I really get a bit miffed at myself.

    When I do go through it,  I will not only use Grammarly, but I'm putting much of it through the AI to see if anything really cool pops up and if I want to change things up or leave them the way I wrote them. I think it will be a mix if I had to be honest about it.  I'll be sure and keep you posted. I'm not one to shy away and claim I did it all by myself. I'll give credit where it is due. 

    What I thought was hilarious, is that the AI kept thinking that the men were on horseback, but I had changed that portion of the book since I needed to save space. I talked about it without going into pages and pages of detail. The AI kept suggesting ideas regarding and relating to them riding, and I finally had to go back and delete the suggestions entirely, so yeah, I'm not just sitting here writing verbatim what the AI suggests. If I wanted to do that I could, but where's the challenge in that?

    It looks like I'll be writing about 10,000 more words this week and then next weekend I'll start the descent. I'll wrap it up, bringing Elaine and Alistair home from Scotland. Stella will have something to say about her mother's choices, and all the men in Scotland will make up their minds about what it is they will end up doing both professionally and personally. I think we'll see the retirement of Chief Nicholas Montgomery. He's been such a great man to work with, but he's 68 and he's been through the wringer these past three or four books. He deserves to rest and take the next chapter of his life in stride.

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