Tuesday, May 7, 2024

MESA - 45% Finished.

 Oh my!! I am about 45% finished with the book, and it felt that way as I wrote the last sentence of the last chapter. The sixteenth chapter is 3098 words long!! Oh my stars, are you serious? Yes, yes, it is. I wrote about 1400 and realized that the chapter was nowhere near finished, so I kept writing, and then when I felt it was actually finished, I checked, and BAM...3098 words.

    The two men went from Gallup, New Mexico up to and over to Las Vegas, Nevada. This is where the real action begins. Their meddle is now being tested for sure. They'll have to remain anonymous and they'll have to remain unknown while at the same time making their way through to connect the dots necessary to bring about justice without harming the other people who aren't caught up in the unholy maze of madness and murder that is the sinister salacious secret of the sadistic sideshows and other low rent entertainment being performed to the masses. 

    Right now, the boys are resting from their first hard days work. They earned their first five dollars, and they'll earn their next; every penny of it. When we get revved up for chapters seventeen, nineteen, and twenty, we'll see what it's like to clown around a bit too much; and Ralph, well, he'll be the apple of one gal's eye, but he may find himself diced up and fed to the tigers if he can't keep his mouth shut. Can you say...yikes?

    Did you catch where I said chapters 17, 19, and 20, but I didn't mention what would happen in chapter 18? Well, that's because I like to shake things up and flash back some, or take the reader back to other events taking place at the same time the heroes are doing their thing. We can't forget that the world turns in all directions, not just for the lead characters. I have to add new people, new things, new events, and then try and tie them all together, that happens....that's what's going to happen in chapter 18; just so you know.

Photo Credit: Clownopedia.com

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