Thursday, May 23, 2024

I Love my Job!

So, I know, I write a lot about writing, but I do love my actual job too. I'm going to tell you what I do, but I'm not going to tell you where I work. Ok...I'll tell you that too; I work from home! LOL...but I'm not going to tell you the name of the firm. Nope. It's so not happening. Did you know, the last two places I've tried to work before I got this job, I had someone (calling herself a friend) who called the potential employer and lied about me. I didn't know what the lies were until a LONG time later; and you can't defend yourself when that happens. I let her go - she is no longer welcome in my life, and by my life, I mean the lives of my family either . She blew it. You don't betray me or my kids and think it's going to be OK. It's not.

    My job is that of a licensed Claims Adjuster. I've been an adjuster for about three years now. I can say that on a resume and not lie - it's true. I have the date on the licenses to prove it. Speaking of licenses, I just got my North Carolina and my Wyoming licenses. I'm now licensed in 11 states; most of which come up for renewal in a month! I have to prepare for that. Anyway, I enjoy what I do.  I'll even explain it to you.

    Licensed adjusters do so many things and for so many reasons. We may work health claims, workers comp, disabilities, etc...or we can work liability claims; think accidents, and homeowner issues. We can work on commercial property damage, political (governmental) claims when the workers for these entities screw up or when there is damage by act of God, or vandalism. I work for a niche section of the claims world; we do claims for public communication and utility companies. Really very unique work.

    All day long I'm talking to people, investigating if they are the damager of a certain property or if they were there when it happened. We try to find the actual person(s) responsible, and when we can't our client has to write it off as a loss. We try to recover when we can, but I won't lie for my company or for anyone else, so what I find is what I find. The evidence leads to where it leads.  

    I recover quite a bit, maybe $150,000-200,000 worth of claims every month actually; and it's fun work. It's not hard, but it is steady. I work a full day starting at 7:30 a.m. and I get off at 4:00 p.m. because I'm in the Central time zone, and we work a great deal of claims back East. If I do work the West Coast, it's OK to get off at 4:00 p.m. because it's 2:00 p.m. by that time, and they're back from lunch.

    I work from home and have a very short commute. I take breaks when I want. I'm not monitored. I'm not under the glass or anyone's thumb. I get my work done, and I clock out when I'm done. I love it.  All of my co-workers are fun, and very different in terms of culture, backgrounds, walks of life, etc. We joke around in Teams and have Teams video meetings two times a week so we can see each other and stay connected.  I truly do love it. I don't think I'll leave anytime soon, unless of course, my books take off, and then yeah - - I'm gone. They know that.

    I did just buy myself a new chair today. I needed a better chair because I sit cross-legged during the day and the one I have now was really taking it's toll out of my hip - I didn't want the "cross-legged" chair because I tried it at the store and didn't like it. I got a big wide chair instead and think it will be OK. We'll see. If not I'll opt for something else, but for now,  I'm counting this as a really good step in thinking I'm sticking around for a while. I'm happy...and the pay!! Oh, it sucks. No, really, it sucks. But that's OK too, I'm not in it for the money - - I'll trade money for relaxation, fun, security, and a group of awesome employers and co-workers any day.  ANY DAY.

    This is good - - I finally feel like I have a good place to call my own.

Photo Credit: Orange Factory Chairs 

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