Friday, April 28, 2023

God Made the Frequencies. (Don't be Fooled)

 I often say I've been somewhere or done something for 100+ years, and though I know the truth is really more like 15-30 years, I say things, and I don't MEAN for someone to take me too seriously. I'm telling you this because I recently had a conversation with a woman who looked at me (we were at a bookstore), and she was bent on approaching me. She told me that my aura was pure white, compelling her to find me; I was leading her to myself. She stated I was an old soul, and that I was reincarnated.  Please. Don't insult me, calling me something of Satan. I am a born-again Believer in the ONE and only True Living God and His Son Jesus. I only follow Christ.  Don't be fooled, people; there are those out there who will see your "aura" and/or your countenance, and they'll think you are a mystic or have supernatural powers - - and you do! When you're a Believer, you have the Holy Spirit in you, and He (not you) works miracles for HIS glory, not yours.

    I told the woman that I appreciated her awareness that there was something very different about me. I know there is. People often tell me that I seem very confident or look like I know where I'm going and what I want. I do.  I am not running under my own steam, however. No. I am born-again. I know the end game. I know the end of the story; it never ends.  Eternity is a very long time; for some, it will be excruciating, but it will be exhilarating for those who have accepted Christ. It will be marvelous.  We have it rough here; some are so much worse than us. The same God of my salvation is also the God of their salvation. HE and HE alone are the reason, the answer, and the solution. Let's talk about what He does and what He expects.

    As I write this, I sit at my computer with my noise-canceling headphones on my head. I've turned the volume up, and I'm listening to a YouTube channel that produces frequency videos. If you've never heard of frequency therapy or if you have heard of it, and think it's of the Devil, think again. God made the world. God made the vibrations. God made the light. God made the sounds. God made the energy; God made it, not anything or anyone else. Man has a way of taking what God has done and then worshiping the thing. Don't do that. Don't worship the Cross. Worship the One who died for you on that cross. You don't see people worshiping other forms of death and destruction. You just see people go way overboard with the emblem that held the lifeless body of the One who rose from the grave. There's a reason for that; people KNOW Jesus is different. He is.

    Sound and sound waves are perfectly created. They add to and literally create new things. God spoke, and the universe came into existence. What sort of frequency do you think that would have taken? If He did it then, believe He has the same voice now. HE and He alone is to be given credit for all goodness. I listen to the frequency of 4444 hz quite often as it has been proven to be a tone and vibrational frequency which causes cells to heal. One cannot deny that certain drum beats cause a person to dance when perhaps they hadn't thought of dancing. You hear a tone, sound, or vibration and are either drawn to or repelled by it. It is what it is. We've all seen those scenes in the movies when sound is released, and the human ear can't take it; the people clasp their hands over their ears and shriek in pain. Why is that? Were they hit? No. Sound. It can be very, very powerful. 

    Physicians use frequency therapy for some really delicate situations. Did you know that listening to certain frequencies can rejuvenate certain cells and cause healing of the flesh and internal organs? Other frequencies are used in therapy sessions for those depressed, anxious, upset, fearful, and/or just outright distressed. My good friend has been diagnosed with both anxiety and depression. She has suffered from these conditions since her early childhood. She began listening to videos with 4444hz and others and is calm now. She has reported far fewer episodes, and she's reduced her medication. She, as an RN, didn't even want to take medication but understood their place. My point is I have proof in my own circle that frequency therapy does work. 

    Dogs hear things we can't hear as humans. We accept this knowledge. We also accept that sound has waves, and it does. Sound can be used to see a baby in a woman's belly. Sound can be used to find a tumor. Sounds can be used to call a mate, such as between marine animals. God knew what He was doing. We are NEVER, and I mean NEVER, to confuse God's beauty for a reason to worship any other being than Him. The so-called "New Age" movement isn't new. It's as old as the hills themselves. Satan has been lying from the start; people are too willing to let him speak. Notice I didn't capitalize the "h" at that time? Satan is not my God. Satan doesn't deserve my respect. I will never give him the slightest minute form of praise or glory. If you hear, you hear because of God. If you see, you see because of God. If you breathe, you breathe because of God.

    Let's talk about the Zodiac for a minute. Who do you think made those stars? It wasn't Satan. It wasn't some mystical being. He's very clear about who He is and made them all. The Bible says that each one has its own name. We can't even say that about ourselves here on Earth, as many of us have the same name. How many Stephen Macleods or Michael Jacksons do you think there are worldwide? Each star has its OWN name, and the Bible claims that God knows them all. We as humans have decided to bastardize their existence and set up a means and way to deceive our brothers and sisters into saying things that simply aren't true. We give them false hope, telling them they should act this way or that way to gain peace and prosperity. If people would only unclutter their minds to know the Truth.  God made those stars. He aligned them. He causes them to move and to realign one to another. 

    It is true enough that some attributes of when a person is born under a certain star pattern could, in fact, lead to their personalities being somewhat the same as others who have been born under the same timeframe and/or patterns. After all, frequencies are real. The aligning is real. Frequencies are released upon those beings at that time; depending on the frequencies, there is a result. It's just that you can't say all people born on September 1, 1980, at X time, will have the same skillset, talents, and personality traits. They may be similar. The environment also makes a difference. One man born on that day in Edinburgh, Scotland, will certainly not be the same as one born on the same day in Cairo, Egypt. Environment will shape their experiences. 

    When we are called by God, we are not automatically His. We have to accept Him. When we do, His seal is eternal. This means when WE sin, fail, fall to the wayside, or do things that we know He would not want for us, we are the losers in that we won't be blessed by Him. We are not forgotten; we are not given up by Him. We are not necessarily "punished," but that is HIS choice. He did promise in His Word that if we made or make a promise to Him regarding His work and we don't fulfill our promise, HE will destroy that work. That's not really a punishment, but it is devastating. It can be lifelong. It can be temporary. We have an opportunity to repent. Whether we do or not is that free-will thing we like to cling onto.  In His mercy, He forgives when we return to Him. No questions need to be asked because He already knows.

    Why am I rambling? Simple. I know the truth, and the truth is that we are not our own. We have not been our own since we accepted Him into our souls, asking Him to guide and keep us. He is faithful, even when we fail. He will keep HIS word even when we choose, yes, I said CHOOSE, to be disobedient. He will always be God. We will always NOT be God. These frequencies I listen to are glorious. They are God sent. They are healing. They can also be destructive. Did you know that music has been taken over by Satan, and the recordings of great bands and artists are often infused with beats and frequencies harmful to the system? No, I'm not kidding; you can Google that until they take it down, so you can't. It's a fact. Not all music is this way, and not all people are bad. Some people are direct, like breaking the window out of a car to save a dog.  Other people use a cell phone to call the police and wait. I don't wait.

    I'll finish by saying that the YouTube videos are out there. Spotify sells frequency-type music as well. Find it. It's good for you. If you do nothing else, you can put it on, lay still, and think of God and everything He's given you. Don't forget things like toilets, toilet paper, electricity, air, water, vacuum cleaners, things we often take for granted. EVERYTHING good is from God. Be sure and thank Him for His Son, Jesus too. That's a game-changer right there. 

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