Thursday, October 12, 2023

Times Are Changing!!

 It's a crazy and mixed-up world we live in currently. Not only are there wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes in various places, and everyone running to and fro, but we have Russia, Turkey, Iran, and literally EVERY other nation mentioned (by name) going against Israel and/or protesting the situation. The nations mentioned in the Bible, of course, use their old ancient names, but they are in fact, the same nations that are now doing exactly what God said they would do.  Can you even imagine the odds on that one?  

    Recently, someone in California (supposedly) won the biggest lottery in the history of the game. It was, they tell us, someone who literally only bought one $2 ticket. What again, are the odds? Well, to be perfectly honest with you, it's more likely that you or I would win three or four of these types of lotteries all in a row, than for the Bible to be wrong.  Let me explain. 

    When God inspired men/women to write the books of the Bible about 2/3 of it was prophecy. That's one out of every 3 verses if you want to think of it that way. LITERALLY, every last one of these prophecies that have come to pass, that was written, canonized, published, printed, and purchased, have been 100% on the nose correct with zero room for negotiation. Try that in any other religious or so-called holy script.  ONLY the Bible has been 100% correct. If it has been 100% correct thus far, what do you think the chances of it being 100% correct about Damascus being utterly destroyed to the point that no man lives in it; nor will they ever again. Listen, Damascus is still there today...but it will be blown off the face of the Earth; destroyed. How do I know? God said so, through the prophet Isaiah in Chapter 17 verse 1. You don't have to believe it, but I do.

    There are other prophecies that will happen soon as well; those pertaining to end times and those pertaining to the rapture of the Church. ISRAEL is not the Church. The Catholic Church is not the Church. Let's be 100% clear on that point. Those who love and desire Christ as their Savior, they are the Church. We are the Church. We are not all church-goers. We are not people who don't sin. QUITE the opposite. Let it be known to all that we all sin, every last one of us, but HE, Jesus died for us, and forgave us of those sins. His blood covers them. There is NO MORE need for blood sacrifices. You can't get better than the blood of Jesus. It is FINISHED, His words.

    We are not in the Ezekiel 38 war yet. For that to happen America will need to be gutted, taken out, destroyed, or otherwise captive. We are still here, as of today. When the RAPTURE of the Church comes, a lot (sadly, not all) of the Americans, will be taken. We will not be alone. Many around the world, of course, are Christians. When the Christians are gone, it will be so much easier for corruption to take place. I'm over generalizing of course, but America is currently divided. Think of the one side that will be taken, those who are conservative, love God, still think He is King, and have an obligation to uphold His word.  

    If that side is taken, and about 49% of the nation is left, think also that 100% of the children under the age of accountability are being taken. Now, that leaves America with about 27% of its people. Let's take it further and say there are 15% of those who lean to the right who are not Christian, and about 15% of the people who lean left are Christian, they wash out. Now, how about those with special needs who are unable to make decisions about wrong and right...guess what, they go up too.  America then will be left with about 24% of its people....some will be in the military, but a great deal of the military will be gone.

    It's easy now to see that America is no longer a strong power. Let's say at the SAME TIME of the Rapture there is an explosion and Yellowstone is taken out, or there's a massive EMP, something caused by Russians, or maybe ALIENS!!!  However you want to think about it, America must be depleted before the Ezekiel 38 war can take place. We're in the end times, yes, but not Ezekiel 38, not yet. HOWEVER, we are seeing the beginnings of it, and the setup of it, so we know we're that much closer, and if we're that much closer - - then the RAPTURE is that much closer too. (I know, it's quite profound, but it had to be said.)

    WHAT TO DO?  Oh, well, that's easy. Get your "house" in order and accept Jesus as your Savior. If He wrote the book through 66 men/women who didn't know each other and they still got it all correct - - you can bet He's telling the truth and He will keep His word. For all, all, all, everyone, who accepts Him, and truly repents of their sin, will be taken in the Rapture dead or alive...dead first. It's a thing...another promise. (although it really is only a matter of a split-second difference)


A = Acknowledge who you are; a sinner. YOU sin. Know that. You can't be perfect and come to God, we are not perfect. All of us have sin.

B = Believe that He is the risen Son of the Living God. There is no other god; no Allah, Buddha, Raj, or any other. ONLY Yashua (spelling may vary)  HE is Lord. 

C = Confess your sin. You know them. If you don't know them but know you have sinned, confess that. You don't need to go to church to do it.  You tell Jesus! You speak to Him just like you're talking to your friend. Ask Him into your life, into your heart. You don't have to close your eyes, you don't have to be on your knees. TALK to Him. He's waiting.

Jesus said, "Except a man be born again, he will not see the Kingdom of God". What He meant was, to be born of the Spirit, through your confession and your belief. You don't even have to be baptized. Know you are a sinner, know you can't get to Heaven without Him, accept Him. That simple. He promised He would come into your heart and clean up your soul, then keep it. He promised!! He can't lie. 


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