Thursday, October 26, 2023

Pinterest and Menu Making

 I learned about Pinterest in 2014.  I was flat amazed. I can't even tell you how my brain took in all the information. To think that I could just go to one place, just one site, and put in literally anything possible and it would show up, was just out of this world crazy. Naturally, because I like to cook and eat food, I started there. I put in the words "chocolate" and "cake" and when 1498 different cakes popped up with 40,891 ways to make them; you know I was hooked. 

    Since that day I have literally used Pinterest to look up and to look at just about everything under the Sun. I use it very often for my menu planning, which assists with my grocery lists, and because I'm really frugal and like to do things as inexpensively as possible, but still get good quality, I love the suggestions I find on Pinterest.  I absolutely cannot overstate how very useful this site is for planning your weekly meals.

    What I've taken to doing now, after years of choosing relatively similar recipes over and over again, is to literally copy the recipes onto 3x5 cards, and yes, I am laminating them. I'm such a dork, but I don't mind being one. I know that I'll have my little cards separated in their box by categories such as: Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner, and then subcategories such as: Chicken, Beef, Fish, Other Meats, and Vegetable dishes. Then I'll have the side dishes, which may or may not be separated by colors: greens, whites, yellows, etc. I'll probably do: corn, rice, potato, leafy, and other.

    For desserts, of course, I'll do: cakes, cookies, pastries, candies, and others. God knows I'm going to find just as many of those to do as I do entrees. I don't use sugar, I cook with monk fruit, so I can have just about as many desserts as I dang well, please. I like that fact. I cook as if I was pre-diabetic (even though I am not) so that I never become diabetic; which I know is not the only factor, but it's a big one. I was just seen by my doctor who confirmed that I'm not pre-diabetic, but she did commend me for my eating habits, so I was pretty happy about that. 

    Pinterest helps me to choose different foods, types of dishes, colors, textures, and even flavors. I decided at the beginning of the week to not have the same things over and over again. I don't like getting into ruts. It's not fun, and Pinterest is free. I like it. I think making the little cards will help me to stay on track calorie-wise, portion-wise, and really just all-around-wise. It's a good thing. What I do is write out all the things I'm going to have that week, and then I make a grocery list using only the things I need. This helps me to not buy things I'll end up throwing out.

    I will say that I often buy things that I end up throwing out. That's been my problem for years. If there is one thing that Pinterest has helped me to do, it's to stay focused at the store, and therefore at home. I don't have that much waste, and what I end up putting in the fridge for the next meal (say lunch the next day) is generally a smaller portion than I would eat if I went to a restaurant. This helps me to lose weight, maintain weight, etc. It's a great plan - - and I'm really super happy it's working for me. I would say I hope it works for you too, but I don't know if I'll ever find out if you try it!! If you try it, I hope it works out for you too!!

    Sunday's pork roast with carrots, potatoes, and onions will be cooked in broth and apple juice. That's really cool and different. I'll have a green side salad with feta cheese and vinaigrette dressing, and for dessert, I'm making cherry tarts.  For breakfast this Saturday I'm making a tater-tot sausage casserole and we'll have a cup of coffee and a glass of cranberry juice (juiced in the juicer with apple juice). So good. When you buy cranberries in the bag and you juice them, you can then use the silt that comes off of them to make bran muffins! just goes on and on. 

    Well, that's about it, it's my fun, but I will always share my thoughts. No extra charge!! You deserve the best!!

Photo Credit: Pinterest

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