Sunday, October 22, 2023

The Kitchen Junk Drawer. (or both of them)

 Almost every house has one. I have two. I know, I know, I'm one of those overachievers, it's true. I have two kitchen junk drawers. I put more "useful" junk in one of the drawers and less useful things in another. I have no idea how I actually choose to separate them, except that when I first put the item into one of the two drawers, I must make some sort of mental decision about whether I'll use it again, when I may use, it or if it just isn't bad enough to throw out...yet.

    I'm planning my exit strategy a bit early, and in doing so I'm taking notes as to what I will take with me when I move. I will likely not take much of anything from the junk drawers because my daughter will need whatever is in them when I do leave. I say that I have no idea what she'll need. What I have done is go to Pinterest and see what the experts (if there are junk drawer experts) say about organizing the messy chaos so that I can either narrow my needs down, throw out what I don't really need, or maybe just .... God forbid, do away with having a junk drawer; but I'm not sure that's even possible. 

    My new place will be so well organized that people will think I'm actually OCD. I'm not, but my place will be neat.  I'm buying literally everything the Pinterest gurus say I need. I'm excited about it. I'm getting drawer spacers, cabinet dividers, modules to put things on, space-saving wire things to hang things on, and I'm just too excited about it. I have about 50 food containers and I'm taking them with me. I'll need more baskets...I love little kitchen storage baskets.  

    I found a few things to help me organize my refrigerator too; a ziplock storage holder! WHAT? Yes, it's true.  One thing I saw that will save space in the freezer, is to put your meat into ziplock-type bags, flatten the meat, then stack them. Boom! I will likely only have 4 mugs, 4 plates, 4 saucers, and cutlery for 4. I'll likely have only a few kitchen towels, mitts, etc., as well, since it's just me. I'll have a washing machine, I can wash the towels. I'll even probably just do my own dishes....just sayin'.

    I looked into my first kitchen drawer and made a list of several things I have. We all have these things in our junk drawers. Pens, pencils, Sharpies, tape, wrapping ribbon, twine, scissors, a tape measure, pencil sharpener, nail file, batteries, measuring tape, bookmarker, watch, chain, flash drive, cards, dice, sewing kit, highlighters, wire, glue, a ruler, a lighter or two, and some other stuff. You get the picture. In the OTHER drawer, the one I say has the useful things, I have screws, tools, a hammer, more scissors, more glue, a corkscrew, electric hand blender blades, a small socket set, and a knife sharpener...and other stuff.

    I know you can relate. I bet as you were reading that you added to the list, and you thought "Yep, that's me" a few times. I don't have a spool of thread; my friend pointed that out to me. I don't have a pocket knife either. I've decided to get a little toolbox when I move and keep a small set of tools in it.  I'll get one drawer organizer and put the junk stuff in it, but I'll use the toolbox for the other. It will be kept in the garage or under the sink. Good plan.  I'm making plans for a house I'll buy in about six months. My plans have plans. My notes have notes.

    I've also been Pinteresting things today to see if they work. I put baking soda and peroxide on my old baking pan for 15 minutes and nothing happened. I'll add vinegar to it tonight and let it soak overnight to see if it does any better. I hope it does. I mean, I could also go out and buy new pans. It's OK...I can do that. I just haven't in something like 20+ years, that's all. I did recently break my 25-year-old crockpot liner, the crock bowl part...shattered into about 12 pieces when I was washing it. All three of my kids have volunteered to buy me a new one for my birthday. You gotta love kids who know you THAT well.

    My birthday is in about four weeks. I'll let them decide who will buy what. I need: 

  • Crockpot
  • Over the sink dish rack
  • Drawer organizers for spices, junk drawer, cutlery
  • Pantry baskets
  • Refrigerator organizers
  • New journals 
My kids are the best...the BEST....I would never ever trade them or sell them. I like them very much. Well, that's about it. Just making plans to make plans. Someone has to; those drawers are not going to organize themselves.

Photo Credit: It's a Southern Thing.



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