Monday, June 19, 2023

MURDER BOOK (Half Way There) Chapter 19

 I am telling you what!! You just don't know your characters until they do something that both shocks you and makes you laugh.  There I am, writing, and thinking this book needs a bit of umpf, when out of the blue, my main character ends up bedding his new partner's mother!! WHAT? It's OK, don't freak out, I don't go into any real sexual details.  The main character is about 40 years old, and the partner is about 32, or so, his mom was young when she had him, so she's only 10 years older than the man she finds irresistible.  He is irresistible, c'mon, he's Nick Posh!! Who wouldn't be attracted to a man with Native American and Scottish blood running through his veins? I know I would be attracted...which may be one reason why he's my main character in the next 20+ books I'm writing. No brainer.

    There we have it, there is something going on in the book that may interest and keep a few readers. The book is about murder, I get it, but you can't have a good book without interesting subjects, interesting people, good food, you know, the whole enchilada. Come to think of it, maybe Nick will make enchiladas for his Scottish friends since he was born and raised in the Southwest! Yeah, I can do that. Right now the two men are fussing over the book itself. It has the names in it of the people who were killed and the names of the people who will be killed. Nick hasn't found the connection yet to tie the author of the book in with who the murderer(s) are yet, but it's only halfway written. I have an entire fiasco to go!

    Writing can be both exciting and entertaining. I find that when I'm writing I'm not looking at the clock, I'm not really eating like I should be. I stop in the middle of it and take a shower, walk the dog, go to the store, and then I don't even remember where I was, so I start reading the last several pages only to surprise myself. I have no idea what I'm putting on the pages half the time until I go back and read it. There's a suction from my brain to my fingers and my eyes and mind don't get to see it or read it until I put the brakes down a bit and go back over the last few pages. I also read and re-read the notes I write to be sure I'm hitting on them, and adding them into he mix. I do forget to do that, and then the great notes I really thought I had to have in the book end up being ready for the sequel.

    All that being said, it's time to walk the dog and get the kitchen clean again so I can make something for dinner. I've decided to eat today. After I do that I'll likely read another Sherlock Holmes story or two in order to release the points in my brain that want to do something monotonous and boring. I need the enlightenment of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to rescue me. He has no idea how influential he can be.  I wonder now if I'll ever get around to telling Eoghan that his mum and his employer and partner had a thing. I don't think they'll have another, I think it was just a thing they did and have between them. Telling Eoghan could upset him, and even cause a rip between himself and Posh. Best perhaps to let adults be adults and not involve the kids - - yeah, he doesn't need to know. 

    Here is a sample of that chapter: 

"A tinge of awkward embarrassment rushed through the dark pigment of the man’s face, burning only slightly down the back of his neck as he allowed his mind to imagine a thought.  What would it be like to take the mother of his new partner only meters away from the man she had birthed? A man Posh had come to admire and even trust over the few weeks they had known one another. Posh wasn’t sure if his mind could imagine the right superlative to address the stage Queen, but she deserved a response." 

Photo Credit: Pinterest

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