Wednesday, June 28, 2023

MURDER BOOK: 78% Written

 OBVIOUSLY, I am making an assumption if I say that with 62,839 words written of my new book, I am at the 78% mark. I don't know what the end word count will be, and I'm using a basic guideline of 80,000 words. I think the last book I wrote was just shy of 80,000 so it seems like a good number to choose. I may be 100% wrong. I may be writing on this dang thing for a while, but there will come a time when I tell myself that enough is enough, and the characters will need to hold their breath until I can release them into the first of several follow-up books. They'll be thrilled.

    One of the fun fun fun parts of the books is writing the historical parts where I can really get into it and find cool facts that I think people will want to know about. I use Wikipedia of course, and in some cases, I use my own personal memories regarding what I know about this or that. This book, takes place in 1930, in both the United States as well as the United Kingdom; I'm not sure I have much to offer in terms of personal memory. Luckily for me, my son was in a movie that was a 1930s period film, and though it was filmed in Oklahoma's city of Guthrie in Logan County, it was supposed to look as if it was taking place in New York City. The costumes, the automobiles, and all the glitz and glamour, were just amazing. 

    Today, I had the honor of writing four chapters of the book. They sort of just rolled out of me. Mostly fluff pieces, as I am about to write a more down and gritty action scene where the good guys corner a killer and she is captured in the most unique way, I need to say that I have enjoyed just letting the information flow out of me and on to the pages. When I write fluff and stuff, I tend to just go with whatever is in my head, and after I read it, I make needed changes; honing it up, shoring it up, to create the needed setup for the critical pieces.  It can't all be car chases, and shoot-em-ups, right? Or in Roy Roger's case, neck break horse chases and shoot-em-ups. There have to be some lulls and ebbs to support the flows and tides.

    I made the decision today to make the good man who dies have a real purpose and a true romantic backstory. The reader will miss him, be upset at this falling, and want true revenge for his killer. It should be that way. We should hate the bad guys enough to want to see them get their justice!  Still, even as I'm writing the last words of the good man, I am secretly whispering in his ears that he's not really going to die, he's going to a fictional ever-after where he'll wait for his true love to arrive in due time. I may mention him from time to time, bringing him another wave of admiration from my readers. This guy deserves admiration. He put in the years. He made the road easier for those who came behind him - - I can't say more without giving it away.

    Funny, as I'm writing this blog I chanced to glance at my keyboard. Keep in mind this is a NEW keyboard that goes with my  NEW computer. Already, and it's been less than 3 months, certain keys have been completely worn down, and rubbed off, and the lights from the LED base on the keyboard are glaring at me! E, A, S, D, C, V, N, M, L, and the period key are all gone. The left Shift and the Space bar have issues as well. That's hilarious. Oh well, they all work, I don't need to see what the letters are to know where to put the tips of my fingers. It will make my friend a bit nervous t though when she comes over; she hates not being able to know what keys to use. She doesn't need them, but not being able to see them will freak her out. She's gonna love the book - - I'm not letting her read it until it's 100% finished. She'll read it before it's published, but not until the curtain falls...actually after the curtain falls, but that's another clue you'll have to find out about; read the book when it comes out.

Photo Credit: Reddit

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