Thursday, June 29, 2023

Kind of Keto. Not Quite.

 I've done this before, but now, I'm doing it a little differently. I'll explain. I am not the type of person to go on a diet and just starve myself or do things I wouldn't want to do on a regular basis. I'm not going to drink lemon water with cayenne pepper and vinegar to make myself thinner (maybe) but at the same time, create such an acid response in my body that I make myself sick. It is NOT worth it. 

    There is a powder out there called MCT or something. I tried it, and then my dumb ass decided to overdose myself (accidentally) and I ended up feeling sicker than I have in so many years. I think I relate it to the time I over-smoked a really fat, rich cigar without knowing that a person who doesn't ordinarily smoke them shouldn't do that. Both times, I was flat on my belly in bed, with my head about to fall off. I was just gone. It could not have been...well, maybe it could have been worse, but I don't ever want to find out if it can be. I was SICK.

    So, the lemon water is fine. I'll do that all day, and by that I mean literally all day I can do that.  I can put a lime in my water too, and be really happy. The thing that I have the most trouble with is not sugar. I can quit sugar like no other. I have. I do so much less sugar now than I have ever done. I still have sweets. I just use monk fruit instead of granulated sugar; it's literally sweeter than sugar, has zero calories, and there are no side effects. Why the UK has all but banned it, I don't know. Well, I  do know actually, they say they don't have enough evidence; so maybe in time, they will sell monk fruit there as well.

    The hard thing for me is bread. Doing without pasta is OK, doing without potatoes is good. I can do that. I can do the other things too; things Keto diets say are bad for you. I can eliminate them, but bread seems to kick my butt. I find myself trying to return to it. I've gone 7 days now without it though. It's hilarious. I tend to go on these kicks of mine where I swear by all things I need to swear by that I'm going to stop eating bread, but it comes the day after I bought a whole loaf, or a can of biscuits, or something. No. I am doing this. I've been doing this. The can of Grands is still in the fridge and I have to find someone to give them to. 

    My best friend's birthday was June 22 and my birthday is November 22. I'm going on a bread fast from June 22 to November 22 to see what if any changes I can see. I'm also eating better, exercising, drinking lemon water, and being an overall good person to myself, but the bread thing slays me; I need strength!! I am also giving up cereal, but not oatmeal or grits.  The oatmeal I eat is steel cut, and I eat it with walnuts, cranberries, cinnamon, and a bit of heavy cream. Good for me. Grits are the same, but I do the monk fruit and walnuts, and honey with them. 

    If you ask me, and some do, I think that making decisions for myself is easier than making them for someone else. I don't ask permission usually, I just do what needs to be done. When I make decisions for others, I need to either be over them personally, like when my kids were of minority age, or I need to be their guardian owner, such as I am for Ginger my dog. I do, and I will make decisions about what Ginger will or will not eat. She truly doesn't get a say in the matter. She really (probably) doesn't even realize she may have the option to do so. Making the decision for myself is just easier.

    I need to lose a huge amount of weight (not really, but it is to me) so that when I step off the plane in Edinburgh next summer I won't be ginormous or cause any scenes. I hate causing scenes. I do. It's just so...brazen. Well, I don't mind a little brazen, but I don't want to be fat when I do that. I want to be healthy, fit, and happy so I can walk the streets, climb the hills, keep up with my friends, and fully enjoy myself. I am currently making plans to visit next summer before Hurricane season, but the friend who says she'll go with me is likely to back out; if I'm honest. I don't mind, I can do the trip solo; again.

    Kind of Keto is how I describe my diet when I'm asked. I am heavy on egg protein, meats, and cheeses. I load up on fruits and veggies, and my trail mix is 100% fantastic and wonderful. I tend to stay clear of desserts, but I do have them; just not with sugar. I eat yogurt, usually Greek plain, with honey, and again, walnuts and cranberries. You'd think I'd be fit already; damn it, I should be. I have no idea why the body refuses to read the scientific evidence online; so it can just do what it's supposed to do. C'mon, body!! Geez.

    Day 7 of the no-bread thing.  I'm earning my stripes.

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

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