Friday, June 2, 2023

Books Are Flying!!

 I think it's hilarious when I get emails out of the blue from my publisher saying how many books I've sold over the past 30 days. I thought it was just at the end of the quarter, but no, this one reports the sales at the end of each month, and I have to say, it made me smile. Now, don't get me wrong, I haven't sold thousands upon thousands of books, and in fact, if truth be known, I want the sales to cease until I can make the necessary corrections on the book, but there they are, being sold. People are reporting back to me saying they love it, and that makes me happy. I still wish I could pull it, make the corrections and put it back up for sale. I'll do that when I get the money to do it; believe me when I say it's not as simple as asking them to stop the print of it for a minute.  

    Who knew that a disgruntled employee could get a burr up under her saddle and decide to write a really good book in about a month's time? Then, I took the next month to tweak it, and make changes and corrections before sending it off to a really bad (I mean BAD publisher); that was before I knew better. I know better now. I wrote to release the one, and took the PDF file back, sent it to the new publisher, and I never thought to check it for multiple mistakes because I didn't realize there were any. Oh yes, there were...and are.

    The thing is, I see the mistakes even if the typical reader won't. I mean, three or four of them are impossible to miss, and that's too many as it is, but there are time mistakes, and then I didn't capitalize something; no...say it isn't so. It is. I missed about four grammar iron-clad rules, and that's not counting the HUGE mistake of saying women when I meant one woman, and the time I said the dog was found under HIS buggy when it was some random buggy. I hope no one decides to do the white glove test on my page counting boo boo, where at first I said a man wrote a single-page letter, then later said the separate pages! OH MY GOODNESS! I suppose, when all is said and done, the great sex scenes will make up for these minor issues. One would hope.

    I have to confess, I'm in the middle of writing another book, and it is taking far longer than this one took. I'm only on Chapter 9, whereas that was nearly a month ago! I literally haven't written anything in three weeks. I must be going mad. I am writing the blogs of course, but the book isn't coming along because I need to focus on getting hired and being "deployed" as a desk claims adjuster. Sometimes work must take priority if you're used to eating, paying bills on time, and putting gas in the car. It's OK, I'll survive. I'll just write between breaks and before I go to work after I get off work, and then, when no one is looking, I'll squeeze in a murder plot, twist, or backstory right in the middle of the day when I should be examining something dealing with auto collisions.

    The hope, of course, is that the books take off and I'll never need to work again, but until that happens, I at least have a good Plan B to fall back on; that's for dang sure.  Once the murder book hits the streets I think it may sell more than the romance novel does; at least that's the other hope. I'll follow up the romance novel of course, with a sequel and possibly a third book in the series. The murder book will be an ongoing thing, with as many books and stories as I can possibly squeeze out of my brawny somewhat tainted Southwestern hero.  Whatever happens, I'm sure I'll grin ear to ear when I see that the murder book (titled "Murder Book") has sold as many copies as the novel has already. Woot!!  No worries, before it hits the press I will go over it 100 times to be sure the mistakes are minimum; non-existent if possible.

    For now, I'm just beamingly happy and thrilled to know that Ewan and Aria are spreading their cheer and interesting lives among so many in the U.S. and in Europe. So far, according to the records, the U.S. is buying the bulk of the books, with Italy following a close second, the UK in third, and France not doing too badly. I'd love to see it hit the presses in India too!! Woot!  It's a great feeling to know the words you wrote (no matter how quickly or slowly you wrote them) are being read, understood, liked, and commented on. It makes me giggle and feel all warm and fuzzy...I hope I never lose that feeling. EVER.

Photo Credit: Getty Images


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