Thursday, January 28, 2021

Metaphysical Much? (A repost from 2008)

 Because I am a born-again Christian, it has been beaten into me from birth that all things strange, out of the ordinary, that which cannot be explained and/or examined is, therefore, of the Devil. I always tell people that I used to be a Baptist, but now I'm a Christian. I mean that. Nothing against the Baptists...they are awesome, but I don't call myself one. I call myself Christian.


Being raised in the Baptist church was fantastic for me. It gave me the sense of spirit and love that I needed from God and the head knowledge to win every trivial game involving the names, dates, events, and locations dealing with the Bible. I can say all 66 books of the Bible are in order, and I can tell you the various differences and similarities between the prophecies of Daniel and the Book of Revelation. I know all about the Rapture, the Second Coming, Armageddon, and eternal peace, which will follow the Millennium of peace on Earth and the destruction of both Earth and Heaven. What I cannot do as a Baptist is to have true FAITH. I got out of the box that is organized religion and have found the true essence of my soul - which is Christ. Being able to walk through walls, to walk across water, turn water into fine wine, and ascend and descend at will seems a bit out of the ordinary and probably couldn't readily be explained. 


I decided to leave the box of organized religion when I couldn't get anyone in the box to explain the verses in the Bible dealing with the Angels and the giants and the true whereabouts of Eden. I couldn't find solid answers to some of the things we are expected to simply believe - which means we DO accept the metaphysical, but we don't talk about it. If spirits existed, then they exist today, and I am willing to bet that they will outlive us all - except for the fact that we are actually...go ahead and say it with me - Eternal! I talk to Sam. Sam is always with me; Sam has been with me since before I was born. Sam is my Guardian Angel, and though his actual name is Theonopholus, I still call him by the name I gave him when I became aware of him at 6. That's another unanswered question I had to deal with. I asked my preacher, my teacher, my Sunday School teacher, my mother, or anyone with a background in the church who this guy was that was hanging over my shoulder (left) and why he was so prevalent, even to the point of interrupting me when I was about to cuss someone out...not at 6, but later on. They couldn't answer. I couldn't see him, but he was there. He needed a name, and I gave him one. He seems to like it when I ask his advice. 


I am the type that will intentionally shake up the bag to see the contents mix about. It's not beyond me to ask someone a question that will define our boundaries or borders socially. It's not a game but an awareness. Since I'm actually pretty damn aware of the way I live and love, I often wonder if anyone else out there thinks the way I do.  Is it a Celtic gift? Some say my ancestors could tell truths - - I know I think things, and they happen. It's not an everyday event, thank God, or some people's lives would surely be ruined.  I love to dance. It's good that God decided not to give me the gift of ZAP!


Knowing this will help you understand who it is you are keeping company with through my words. Knowing who you are and what you are capable of is such a gift. Money isn't important when you have clear goals - money doesn't even play a role. I get it as I need it. I use it as I need to, and I usually see it coming and going without fear. Now, if I could only convince my creditors of this method of believing in one's ability to do what is necessary. That, or perhaps I need to dream larger... Most of the time, my dreams are really too busy to include making money. I'm either making love to a beautiful bearded Scottish man who was at one point wearing a kilt or just enjoying the peace that I dare to expect. Dreams are good, and you can control them if you work at them.  I work at this. 

Something else is strange about me. When I walk through stores, people find me and ask me questions out of the blue about nutrition, and I'm not exactly thin yet. They ask me questions about their lives, what to do about a situation, or where they should be right now in their world of existence. I'm not kidding you. I must have a target on my face that reads in bold letters, "Ask Me Anything I'll Try to Help You," because I'm singled out of crowds in Times Square. I've been picked out by flight attendants at 35,000 feet. I would like to look into the future and come up with 6 lucky numbers on a weekly basis. That would be nice, but the truth is (obviously) that money isn't what I need at the moment. I've been doing well enough without it long enough. Maybe it would just screw things up for me. 


The truth is - the truth is there. It sits in front of us, lays around us, floats above us, and all we have to do is look at it squarely and accept that it is. It's not going to change. If people want to ask me for help, I will try to help them. What will be, and what will be is. So, whatever you think you will achieve, you will - good or bad. Whatever you think you will be - you will be, again, favorable or not. It's all being drawn to you by you and through you. I've often been accused of being aloof if someone cuts me down - it's not that I'm aloof, no, that I don't believe them. I have to accept an insult before it becomes one. If I don't accept it to my soul - it merely vaporizes with the words themselves - and is gone. Hence the existence of very strong self-esteem. 


What does my future hold? God knows, and I wait.  I've accepted a "Don't Worry, Be Joyful" way of life. It beats worrying all the time, and besides, I don't have time to worry if I'm using that time to dance. Spirit people, it's the SPIRIT. Let HIM LEAD YOU!  

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