Sunday, April 7, 2024

MESA (First Two Chapters Written)

 Just as I thought it would go, I'm going to end up writing more than what I jotted down in the outline. Yesterday, I took a little over four hours and typed out the outline for the new book. I had taken several more hours beforehand writing down by hand what I thought would happen, but the typing of it just made more sense.

    I have the notes on the right while I type the manuscript on the left monitor.  I literally have chapters lined out and state what I think will happen in them. Then, when I do put my fingers to the keys I have a really cool road map to take and it just all depends on what happens inside my head I guess, as to whether or not I stay on the road or take a few detours. What do you think? The characters are literally driving on Route 66! There are a few detours.

    Before all the good stuff happens the characters will need to be set up to do whatever it is that they are going to do. Before Nick and Ralph can do their thing, they have to find out they're needed to do it. That's what the first two chapters are. First, Nick is requested by the guy who has been paying his paychecks recently, to go out into the greater southwest and track down a murderer - - if he's still alive.  When he accepts the challenge, Nick brings Ralph Ferguson into it, not only to have a companion to back him up but to get more time with his bestie!

    Ralph, for his part, is a newly appointed Sgt. up at Stateville prison in Chicago, but he sees the adventure as being still another feather in his cap for the future, and yeah, hanging with Nick always brings excitement. It's been that way since they were nearly blown up together in the war...the First World War. The book takes place in the summer of 1931.

    Today, I wrote about 3600 words, two chapters, and I'll try to make it my goal to write one chapter a night with two or three each weekend. It may take me about six or seven weeks to write the book, and that's fine. I'm not in any rush. I rather enjoy the challenges and the research that has been going along with it. I've already learned so much!! Did you know there were three partial solar eclipses in 1931, but not over America? We didn't see the total lunar eclipse either - Europe saw it.

    So, in the process of writing, I am studying, researching, and trying to find interesting tidbits for the readers as well as for myself.  I love how the characters decide to interact and make me do all the heavy lifting. I guess it's a fair trade-off. They do make me happy most of the time. I love how they are so endeared to me; to the point that I reach over and grab one of my own books to read about them. I'll have to keep it going so they continue to live in my mind and heart.

    The first two chapters are done. Tomorrow I'll gas up the Buick and head out from Oklahoma City to Clovis, New Mexico on Route 66. I'm pretty sure someone will have a great burger cooking for us, maybe some greasy diner with mismatched cups, plates, and cutlery, but I bet they have the best banana pudding this side of the Mississippi!

Photo Credit: The City of Albuquerque. 

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