Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Prove Me Wrong. I'll Wait.

 Because I want my account(s) to stay open and not be banned, suspended, or otherwise permanently taken away from me, I won't say names. I'll let your imagination run freely.  We can do this. I can give clues, you can pick those clues up and probably figure out what it is that I'm trying to say. C'mon, it'll be fun. Let's have a go at it.  I'll talk, you can read, and we'll have to wait a few days to see if I'm right, but when I am, I will laugh. You can laugh too; and if you're one to shun or disagree with my thoughts or opinions, you can laugh when I'm proven to be wrong.  I won't hold my breath for that.

    Those who hold themselves to be above and beyond being touchable have apparently been "touched". There is one, in particular, an older woman who not many envy and more so despise.  Because of her position in politics in a particular free world, she has a way of thinking she is without reproach. She doesn't believe she will serve a day in any sort of detainment or go through any official (formal) reprimand for having been a party to, possibly involved in, insider trading. As a trade smith, the very thought of others cheating and taking advantage of the system is both appalling and disgusting; not to mention extremely illegal for anyone,  her included. Her husband is also included. Let that sink in for a minute.

    There comes a time when the often too high and mighty do in fact tilt and eventually they fall.  Sometimes, but not as often as some may hope, these too-big-to-fail types even find that they have expired; at least their usefulness has.  This is where we find ourselves today; we are spectators in a game of idiot chess.  We have to watch because we don't have a ticket to the main event. We can only hope the truth is spread evenly, but we all know the rumors are created for the purpose(s) of pretending to be true. Again, the idiots will believe the lies. Those of us with our brain cells mostly intact will know; we always know. The problem is that we can't pay our way into the circles we need to be in to find the facts. We're told the "truth" and what the "truth" will be. We're told the story. We're not asked to believe it, we're commanded to. The narrative is their gold. It's the only gold they have, the rest is printed paper. Like them, nearly worthless, but still in circulation.

    Last week a certain nobleman was attacked in his house late late at night. Oh, no worries, there's a wall. No worries still, there are guards. There should be absolutely no reason for these things to occur, not when there are over 20 hidden and in-sight cameras loaded and readily aimed leading up to the house, surrounding the house, and of course, throughout the house. If there is or was a perpetrator, an attacker, they'd know long before he or she could strike...right?  

    Seems on THAT day the 20+ cameras weren't working. Seems on THAT night, the guards were released.  Seems at that particular time no one was really there to see exactly what took place, but low and behold the inside trader has been beamed with a hammer and/or other alleged weapons. Did they show the blood? Did they at least take photographs? I hear they have a wonderful Hollywood makeup artist on speed dial. They'll need it.  Well, not really, since no one seems the least bit obligated to actually PROVE there was an intrusion, or to PROVE there was an attack. We have their word though -- yes, we do. We always have their word.

    Here's my thought.  She got caught. She's pissed. He doesn't care. He has $$$$ from it, and even though she does too, she's not really a concern of his anymore. He can go away and never be heard from again - - oh, but that won't do. That's a scandal in the making. Oh, I know, how about a convenient break-in, and a bit of a bam bam over say the face?  Surgeons may be needed to do reconstructive surgery, and then, after he's no longer resembling the man we know and sneer at, he can "die" in the media and simply walk away.  No one will search for the inside trader because he died. No one will seek revenge on the unsuspecting and unknowing wife, because she's a widow. Save face!!  (Change face, hide face)  Prove me wrong.

    We'll need to wait a few days to see how he "recovers" and how dire it will become. You just never know. He could find the weather in the South Pacific to be to his liking this time of year. Jeffrey did. We wait. We go about our lives and those of us who know we'll never know the truth simply shake our heads knowing we could and would never do what they do. How do I reconcile it? Well, this is their reward. They'll never have what we have. They will never see the streets of Glory. They'll never be in fellowship with the One and Only Truth. This is what they have. It may be $$$$$, OK, let's say it's $$$$$$$$$$ and more...but I'm reminded of what is written: "What profits a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul?" What indeed. I hate that these things happen, but it's so rampant these days. We are expected to trust whatever the narrative gives us. Sorry, I have a hard time doing that. I guess it's because I can think.

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