Monday, November 7, 2022

Lies on Top of Lies Leads to Madness!

    Dedicated to the one asshat who blocked me, but still reads every blog I write. This one is for you buddy.  I'll even say "You're so vain you probably think this blog is about you", and I'd be right.  THIS IS ABOUT YOU! (That being said, I am sorry your dog passed away, and maybe I shouldn't publish this now, but I am going to because your dog dying was NO EXCUSE for you to lie about me. She's in a good place, and you'll see her again.) Grab another coffee, you're gonna need it. I'm not holding back on you, friend.


OHHHHHH MYYYYYYYY GOSSSSHHHH, I wanted to get on this keyboard (after work) and just blast the hell out of this one particular man who seemingly needs to have his head set straight, and his back end kicked hard enough to send him through Mary King's Close! He really (and I do mean really) pissed me off today, when he took the wrong method to communicate that he didn't want my financial support through his entertainment support account.  Now, I realize that sounds like the biggest and stupidest First World Issue EVER, and it may be.  However, one does not LIE to a large corporation whose only job is to transfer support from those of us who give a damn to those who we wish to support,  and tell them that the supporter has bullied you and that's the reason you want to unpledge their generosity. Seriously, who does that? (an idiot) He needs to be sat down and spoken to but I'm afraid I'm not the one to do it. I may slip and punch him in the face. That would neither be ladylike, nor legal in most civilized countries (of which we both reside, but my country is a bit more lenient in these matters.)

    I say I wanted to. I say I wanted to just jump on here and blast him from KINGDOM COME right down the Royal Mile and let him spend a day or longer in the Edinburgh Dungeons so he could be seen for the spectacle that he's become. Lying is so low. Lying about me is probably better than lying about others because I will vent, blow off steam, and fuss about it, but I won't really do anything about it. I did call the company's support team today to ask them if my name was associated with the lie, and they said yes because he had to choose a reason to reject my pledge.  Here I am trying to send the man money to support him since he's not really working (Yes, I said it) and he rejects my support not because he's pissed at me, which he is, but because he lied and said I was the bully. NO FRIEND, when you lie about someone that makes YOU the bully, not them.

    The corporation's team asked me if I wanted to file a strike against him so they could investigate because apparently, he's not keeping up his end of the bargain with the others who are pledging. At least one of them complained about it, not being willing to simply withdraw their pledge, they did that, then they complained. I don't do that. If someone wants to lackluster their word and/or obligations on a platform that I'm supporting, I'll just stop supporting it. I thought about allowing them to give his account a strike, or maybe a 2nd strike since apparently, he may have one. I decided against it because I'm NOT the bully. I'm the person being lied about, and I didn't want to stoop to his level and say something that may end up looking as petty as he was if they investigated it.  I just know that I have not harassed him, and he said I had. Well, if you tell a lie often enough you'll start to believe it. I think Adolf Hitler said that, but it's true.  

    I was lied about to this man by his wife in 2020 when I tried to promote his music.  She didn't believe I had the wherewithal to do it.  I was also lied about to him by a man who I also was willing to promote. The man has never spoken to me, never communicated with me, and has never tried to communicate with me, but there he is lying about my character, telling the asshat (sorry, that's his new name for now) that I was the bad guy -- I couldn't be trusted.   Instead of checking out what I was saying, or what I was offering in terms of promoting both of them actually, I was simply told no thank you, but then every time I attempted to communicate with the artist I was shunned. Eventually, one of his close friends called me and we spoke. She was concerned because he had begun bad-mouthing me to her and others. He was repeating, I am told, what his wife and friend had told him, NOT what he knew to be true, but LIES. OK...don't do that. (You didn't know she called me, did you? She did. I support her and others that she knows, so she knows I'm not unworthy!)

    Here's how that worked out for him.  He's now divorcing from what I can find, he lives 30+ miles from his family and has for over a year; and the oh-so-good "friend" was blocked from his social media from the time he moved out until recently, for something I won't publish or print. Suffice it to say the asshat had absolute reasons to have trust issues and with friends like that, no, you don't need any enemies.  I guess I should have expected him to reject my attempt at supporting him. He's blocked me from his social media accounts as well when I expressed concerns about the direction(s) he was going in with certain "friends" again, who no longer have a place in his life. GONE. 

    It's funny who we trust and why. Sometimes it's the hard-cold-facts and tough-love type of friend who has your back, and the "Johhny-Be-Gone" or "Midnight Riders" are off doing their thing seconds after swearing their devotion. We call them "fly-bys" because they never really land for long, they pick up their pink pom-poms and poof! They're outta there!  They use you, (and yes, post lies about you) and you can't seem to find them when you need to ask them why they did that. INSTEAD, some people cut out the good to "save face" and claim it was for their personal healing. can't heal when your open wounds are wallowing in the mud!

    Yes, I know, I can be hard to take. I get that. I can say this though, I don't lie. I may tell you the God-awful blunt and ugly truth, and you may not like it, but I will NEVER lie because lying is not defendable. I've spent too many years and too much $$$ defending liars that I love. These are people I truly loved, and felt that they would never harm me. I was wrong. I was dead wrong. Let me see if I can find the words, I'll quote a singer-songwriter on this one:  "I thought it was love, love from above, but I was wrong!"  YES, you sure as hell were!  Those lies they told you about me were right up there with the lies you told about me today. SHAME! The love you thought was from above turned out to be another deceiver, but it wasn't me, was it? NOPE. 

    I'll bottom-line it for you. YOU DO NOT dictate to me what I will or will not do. I will listen to God, and God alone. At this point, when I go to the closet to pray for you I will address you as "the Ass" and our Lord will have NO PROBLEM discerning who is it that I am lifting to Him for both protection and wisdom.  I wish you were my donkey, I'd show you what the end of a crop looks like, and not in a good way! Liars are typically thrown out of my life, but by God and all things Holy, I'm not given that privilege with you. I was told to pray for you, and I'm going to continue to do so. I don't have to support you, and I don't have to give you a dime, but I will not stop conversing with Jesus about you because now you really need words lifted for you. Health, home, heart, family, finances, you're a mess! 

    If I had one thing to say to your face it would be that I don't appreciate you either right now - - but I'm stuck with you for now, and God will be blessed whether or not you participate. No, I don't have to ask your permission to pray for you. Is that too cheeky for you? Get over it! Yes, I'd rather you be kind-hearted and do a bit of research before believing the lies, sure, but if you can't do that at least don't flinch when you stare at your face in the mirror knowing that what I told you was the truth, and if you can't handle that, the mirror won't change, friend, YOU HAVE TO. I won't hold my breath for it, but eternity is a very long time, and I know we'll have tea there, so just prepare yourself now because you won't even think about being rude to me there. That will be a nice change!

Photo Credit: Cafepress

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